DO 36, s. 1987 – Designating the Limits of Responsibility and Areas of Cooperation between the Bureau of Higher Education, the Bureau of Non-Formal Education and the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education

April 9, 1987
DO 36, s. 1987
Designating the Limits of Responsibility and Areas of Cooperation between the Bureau of Higher Education, the Bureau of Non-Formal Education and the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Chiefs of Services and Heads of Centers/Units
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. By virtue of Batas Pambansa Blg. 232 approved on September 11, 1982, the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education was established and operationalized on June 17, 1985. The Bureau is directed to strengthen and improve the quality of technical-vocational education as a regular offering of the formal educational system.
  2. The Bureau of Non-Formal Education was also organized and is mandated to offer short-term livelihood/vocational courses.
  3. Before this, all post-secondary programs came under the purview of the Bureau of Higher Education and all programs were classified for special areas and certifications as set in MECS Order No. 30, s. 1985 and expanded by MECS Order No. 56, s. 1986.
  4. In order that the three Bureaus which have to do with post-secondary and vocational courses may not duplicate each other’s efforts, the Coordinating Committee on Programs requested the Directors of the three Bureau to delineate areas of responsibility with regard to vocational courses.
  5. In general, the Bureau of Higher Education shall be responsible for degree programs, associate programs, as well as midwifery and other sciences, e.g., radiology and physical therapy. The Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education shall be responsible for post-secondary certificate and diploma courses and Board courses up to 3 years as well as computer hardware courses. The Bureau of Non-Formal Education shall be responsible for extension services or outreach programs, such as livelihood courses which do not require a high school diploma for entrance purposes.
  6. Specifically, Inclosure No. 3, shows courses under the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education and Inclosure No. 2, those which fall under the Bureau of Higher Education.
  7. This Order amends MECS Order No. 56, s. 1986.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: MECS Orders Nos. 30, s. 1985 and 56, s. 1986
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
