DO 40, s. 1987 – Application for Retirement to be Filled at Least Two Months before Compulsory Retirement Amended by DO 45, s. 1990 – Revised Policy on Extension of Service beyond Mandatory Retirement Age

April 15, 1987
DO 40, s. 1987
Application for Retirement to be Filled at Least Two Months before Compulsory Retirement

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. It has come to the attention of this Office that many officials, teachers, and other school employees are requesting extension of their service beyond the date they are due for compulsory retirement from the service. Some of them go to the extent of soliciting and using the services of politicians and influential person in order that their request may be granted.
  2. In this connection, attention is invited to MECS Order No. 7, s. 1987, on the policy of this Office against extension of service beyond the mandatory retirement age. Likewise, attention is invited to MECS Memorandum No. 126, s. 1984, regarding expeditious action on applications for retirement.
  3. In order to avoid or minimize pressures exerted for the extension of service of officials, teachers and other school employees, it is desired that regional directors advise superintendents, assistant schools superintendents and vocational school superintendents/administrators under them to file their applications for retirement at least two (2) months before the effective dates of their compulsory retirement. Schools superintendents and vocational school superintendents/ administrators should also advise accordingly the teachers and employees under them.
  4. Please be guided accordingly. Strict compliance is requested.


Reference: MECS Order: (No. 7, s. 1986)
MECS Memorandum: No. 126, s. 1984
Allotment: 1-2-3—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
