DO 48, s. 1987 – Technician Competency Skills Test

May 13, 1987
DO 48, s. 1987
Technician Competency Skills Test

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. In line with its efforts to strengthen and improve the quality of education, the Department of Education, Culture and Sports, through the Bureau of Technical and Vocational Education, will administer a Technician Competency Skills Test (TCST) to all students competing the requirements for graduation from the 2-year and 3-year technician courses.
  2. The TCST, a technical-vocational skills test in the areas of trade, agriculture and fisheries technology shall be a pre-requisite for graduation to guarantee that students are competent to enter into gainful employment or entrepreneurial activities after graduation. Passing the test entitles a student to a Certificate of Proficiency as Third Class or Second Class Technician (three-year and two-year courses), and be deemed a candidate for graduation.
  3. The first TCST will be administered at the end of the school year 1987-1988 in cooperation with the National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC) and students may take the test at the testing sites nearest to their schools, i.e., the National Center at the Marikina Institute of Science and Technology or the three regional centers at Davao City, Cebu City and Manila.
  4. Widest dissemination of this Order is desired for the information and guidance of all concerned.

Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
