DO 83, s. 1987 – Creating an Ad Hoc Selection and Placement Committee to Implement the Reorganization of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports Amended by DO 114, s. 1987 – Revised Composition of DECS Selection and Placement Committee

August 7, 1987
DO 83, s. 1987
Creating an Ad Hoc Selection and Placement Committee to Implement the Reorganization of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors/ Regional Directors
Cultural Agency Directors
Chiefs of Services and Heads of Centers/Units

  1. In accordance with the implementing authority contained in Section 30 of Executive Order No. 117 dated January 30, 1987, an ad hoc committee to be called the Selection and Placement Committee (SPC) is hereby created to implement the reorganization of the Department of Education, Culture and Sports.
  2. The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring effective selection and placement of personnel and smooth transition from the old to the new staffing pattern and qualification standards prescribed for the Department by virtue of the reorganization.
  3. The Committee shall consist of the following:
    Chairman – Undersecretary Adriano A. Arcelo
    Vice-Chairman – Undersecretary Minda C. Sutaria
    Coordinator – Asst. Secretary Marcial A. Salvatierra
    Members – Asst. Secretary Jesus T. Manipula
    Asst. Secretary Felix P. Santos
    Asst. Secretary Diosdado P. Tuason
    Director Juanita C. Guerrero
    Consultants – Undersecretary Victor M. Ordonez
    Undersecretary Tomas V. Santos
    Undersecretary Cledualdo B. Perez
    Civil Service Commissioner Mario Yango
  4. The Chairman, Vice-Chairman and Coordinator shall constitute the Executive Committee of the SPC to oversee the day-to-day functions of the Committee.
  5. The Committee shall have the following functions and duties:
    1. Formulate and issue rules, guidelines and procedures on the selection and placement of personnel in line with the reorganization plan of the Department.
    2. Review the recommendations of the needs of bureaus, services, attached agencies, centers, regional offices and other units of the Department relative to their respective selection and placement of personnel and make recommendations to the Secretary accordingly.
    3. Implement other necessary measures, including adequate information dissemination that would ensure effective and facilitative transition in the Department’s reorganization.
  6. The Committee is authorized to organize a Secretariat and to create Selection and Placement Sub-Committees, as necessary, to assist it.
  7. The Committee is likewise authorized to draw upon and utilize appropriate Department funds necessary to implement its functions, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules and regulations.
  8. All DECS Orders previously issued which are not consistent with this Order are hereby modified or repealed accordingly.
  9. For the guidance and compliance of all concerned.

Reference: DECS Orders Nos. 74 and 75, s. 1987
Allotment: 1—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
