DO 16, s. 1989 – Creation of an Ad-Hoc Appeal Committee and Defining its Functions and Membership

February 28, 1989
DO 16, s. 1989
Creation of an Ad-Hoc Appeal Committee and Defining its Functions and Membership

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Others Concerned

  1. In the interest of efficient and effective implementation of the Asia-Pacific Programme of Education for All (APPEAL) in our country, a committee is hereby created the Ad-Hoc APPEAL Commiittee.
  2. In the implementation of the program, the Committee shall be responsible for (a) planning and implementing the activities; (b) making liaison with concerned bureaus and offices to ensure the conduct of the program; and (c) the management, coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the program at the national and sub-regional levels to achieve its objectives.
  3. The Committee shall be chaired by ASEC Ramon C. Bacani, Assistant Secretary for Planning and Development, Office of Planning Service (OPS). It shall be composed of six (6) members as follows:
    1. Ms. Corazon Galang – BEE
    2. Ms. Celia Eugenio – BEE
    3. Ms. Erlinda Santos – NFE
    4. Ms. Aida Henlo – NFE
    5. Dr. Nora Quetulio – OPS
    6. Dr. Fortunata C. Villamar – OPS
  4. It is desired that the Committee be accorded all needed cooperation and assistance for the success of the program.
  5. This Order shall take effect immediately.


Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2-3–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
