DO 120, s. 1990 – Guidelines on GASTPE Programs to Be Implemented SY 1990-1991

October 25, 1990
DO 120, s. 1990
Guidelines on GASTPE Programs to Be Implemented SY 1990-1991

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. The guidelines on specified programs under the Government Assistance to Students and Teachers in Private Education Act, as adopted by the State Assistance Council (SAC), shall be implemented for School Year 1990-1991.
  2. Financial assistance in the form of tuition fee supplement for students in private high schools and private colleges and universities shall be provided by the government as follows:
    1. Student enrolled in private high schools which charged an amount less than P1,500.00 including subsidy in school year 1989-1990 are qualified for tuition fee supplement for school year 1990-1991. The government shall provided them with a tuition fee supplement equal to P290.00 each, provided that they pay in SY 1990-1991 an amount equal to the tuition and other fees paid during the preceding academic year.
      1) If the student paid in SY 1990-1991 tuition and other fees equivalent to what they paid in SY 1989-1990 plus the tuition fee supplement and the school did not charge any increase in tuition and other fees for SY 1990-1991, the supplement shall be paid to the students in full.
      2) If an increase of P290.00 was charged and already paid by the students, the supplement shall be paid in full to the students. If not yet paid, the supplement may be retained in full by the school.
      3) If an increase of less than P290.00 was charged but not yet paid, the amount equivalent to said increase shall be retained by the school and the balance should be paid to the students. If the increase was already paid, the supplement shall be paid in full to the students.
    2. Re-enrolling non-freshmen students in private colleges or universities who were charged an effective per unit tuition rate of eighty pesos (P80.00) or less including subsidy in school year 1989-1990 shall each be provided with a tuition fee supplement to cover any tuition increase for SY 1990-1991 up to twelve pesos (P12.00) per unit. Provided that the students are enrolled in priority courses and had completed at least one academic year as of June 1989.
    3. The list of priority courses for SY 1989-1990 attached to DECS Order No. 81, s. 1989 still applies.
    4. Regional offices shall develop and use the most efficient means of effecting payments but based substantially on last year’s procedure and format.
  3. The Educational Service Contracting Scheme (ESC) component for SY 1989-1990 and the previous school years will still be handled by the Fund for Assistance to Private Education (FAPE). Requests for payment of fees for new ESC grantees for SY 1990-1991 shall be processed by the DECS regional offices.
    1. Claims for payment of ESC benefits should be supported by certificates of enrolment
      for students who are first year grantees, the rate for tuition and other fees for the freshmen, proof that family income is P36,000.00 or less per annum, and certifications from principals of public high schools where they were excess enrolees.
    2. ESC payment per student grantee shall be the rates prescribed by the school for other students but not to exceed P1,320.00.
  4. The College Faculty Development Fund (CFDF) will be managed by the DECS starting SY 1990-1991. The implementing guidelines for said program will be issued under a separate DECS Order.
  5. PESFA will be directly administered by DECS starting SY 1991-1992. In preparation, regional directors are directed to furnish the central office with the following data:
    1. Total secondary enrollment by year level, SY 1990-1991
    2. Total number of PESFA grantees enrolled in degree and non-degree priority courses by division, SY 1990-1991.
  6. In case of any violation of the provisions of the above-mentioned guidelines, the DECS, upon the recommendation of the Council, may bar the institution from participating or benefiting from the programs of the Department without prejudice to administrative and criminal charges as may be filed against the school and/or its responsible officers under existing laws.
  7. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Order is enjoined.


Reference: DECS ORDER: (No. 81, s. 1989)
Allotment: 1-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
