DO 127, s. 1990 – Establishment of Emergency Telephone Numbers at DECS Central Office and Submission of Weekly Situation Reports

November 12, 1990
DO 127, s. 1990
Establishment of Emergency Telephone Numbers at DECS Central Office and Submission of Weekly Situation Reports

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Cultural Agency Directors
Other DECS-attached Agencies

  1. In order to provide the Office of the Secretary with timely and accurate information regarding actual and potential problems affecting DECS operations especially in the field, emergency telephones have been established in the DECS Central Office, as follows: 40-92-16; 47-91-13; 40-93-18. A small staff headed by Ms. Erna Aganon has been assigned to monitor calls through these telephones and relay messages to the appropriate officials concerned.
  2. All DECS officials are hereby encouraged to utilize these telephones (in addition to the usual radio messages and telegrams) to bring to the attention of the Office of the Secretary matters needing urgent attention such as delayed salaries of personnel, class disruptions due to strikes, earthquakes, typhoons, floods, and similar emergencies.
  3. All regional, bureau, cultural, and other DECS-attached agencies are likewise directed to submit brief situation reports every week focusing on operational and clientele-oriented problems; the actions that they have been taken to address these problems; and actions required from the DECS Central Office, if any. A sample format is attached for reference.
  4. The reports should be received by DECS Central Office (c/o Ms. Erna Aganon) every Friday, in time for the management team meetings of the Secretary, Undersecretaries, and Assistant Secretaries every Monday. Regional directors may send their reports via radio message.
  5. For the compliance of all concerned.


Incl.: As stated
Reference: None
Allotment: 1— (M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
