June 20, 1995 – DO 38, s. 1995 – Establishing DECS Regional Office No. XIII Pursuant to R.A. No. 7901 Creating the CARAGA Administrative Region


June 20, 1995

DO 38, s. 1995
Establishing DECS Regional Office No. XIII Pursuant to R.A. No. 7901 Creating the CARAGA Administrative Region

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureaus, Centers and Services Directors
Regional Directors, Regions X and XI
Officer-in-Charge, CARAGA Administrative Region
All Others Concerned

  1. Pursuant to RA 7901 “An Act Creating Region XIII to be known as the CARAGA Administrative Region” and in line with the Cabinet guideline dated March 21, 1995 setting June 30, 1995 as the target date for the operationalization of this new region, the following interim guidelines are hereby issued to all concerned:
    1. The DECS CARAGA Regional Office is hereby established with interim location in Butuan City until such time that a permanent location of the regional center is established by competent authority;
    2. The designation of DECS Region X Asst. Director Sol Matugas as Officer-in-Charge of DECS CARAGA Regional Office which was issued by the undersigned on May 22, 1995, is hereby reconfirmed;
    3. The Regional Office shall commence operating on July 3, 1995 through a core staff complement coming from DECS Region X and XI and their division and field offices. The Directors of DECS Regions X and XI and the CARAGA Officer-in-Charge shall jointly identify the appropriate personnel to constitute the staff and shall work out the detail/reassignment orders and the payment of their salaries in accordance with existing policies and rules;
    4. The amount of P6,363,266 to be sourced from the budget of DECS Region X and P8,603,650 to be sourced from the budget of DECS Region XI, as detailed in Annexes 1 and 2 of this Order, shall constitute the initial operational budget of the DECS CARAGA Regional Office for the period July-December 1995. The respective Regional Directors of DECS Regions X and XI shall facilitate the transfer of these funds to the DECS CARAGA Regional Office immediately following established regulations;
    5. The Undersecretary for Administration and Finance shall take necessary measures to ensure that CARAGA Region’s budget for 1996 is appropriately prepared; and
    6. The Regional Directors of DECS Regions X and XI are requested to extend full cooperation and assistance to the new region relative to the lending of equipment, vehicles and related support to effect its smooth transition.
  2. For the guidance of all concerned.

Unnumbered Memorandum dated March 24, 1995
Allotment: 1-2–(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
