DO 10, s. 1996 – School Calendar for SY 1996-1987 Amended by DO 16, s. 1996 – Corrigendum to DECS Order No. 10, s. 1996 (School Calendar for SY 1996-1997)


January 31, 1996

DO 10, s. 1996
School Calendar for SY 1996-1997

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Elementary and Secondary Schools

  1. For the school year 1996-1997, the following dates and periods will be observed:
    1. The elementary and secondary school year will begin on Monday, June 3, 1996 and end on Monday, March 31, 1997. It shall consist of two hundred and five (205) class days;
    2. The Christmas break will begin on Saturday, December 21, 1996 and classes will resume on Monday, January 6, 1997; and
    3. The secondary school summer classes will begin on Monday, April 7, 1997 and end on Friday, May 23,
      1997. The summer class will consist of a 3-hour session per unit for 45 days to conform with the increased number of contact hours and class days as announced in DECS Order No. 2, s. 1993 and RA 7787, respectively.
  2. In addition to regular days and special holidays authorized in Executive Order No. 203 promulgated on June 30, 1987, the observance of other school holidays will be allowed provided the minimum number of class hours and class days are observed.
  3. The dates given in this calendar will be compulsory for public elementary and secondary schools. Private schools may deviate from this calendar provided that they do not open earlier than the 1st Monday of June nor later than the 3rd Monday of June of each year and that they meet the minimum number of class hours and class days and the appropriate DECS Office is notified in advance.
  4. The 1996-1997 DECS School Calendar and the distribution of class days by month and grading period are hereby inclosed.
  5. Immediate and wide dissemination of the contents of this Order is directed.

As stated
DECS Orders: Nos. (2, s. 1993), 80, s. 1994 and 12, s. 1995
Allotment: 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
