January 17, 1997 – DO 4, s. 1997 – Action Plan for DECS Modernization Program

January 17, 1997
DO 4, s. 1997
Action Plan for DECS Modernization Program

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

This Order describes activities necessary for the continued implementation of the DECS Modernization Program and identifies the DECS offices or units responsible for carrying out such activities.

  1. Overview of DECS Modernization Program
    The modernization program involves basically the introduction and use of modern technology particularly information technology and its various tools to improve teaching and learning processes and management and administrative operations in the educational system. (Refer to attached paper for a more detailed description of the modernization program.)
    Three aspects of DECS operations have been initially identified to be modernized. These and their corresponding skills and competencies that need to be developed are as follows:

    1. Educational Management
      1. basic computer skills – word processing, spreadsheet, database management and use of the INTERNET
      2. computer applications in personnel management, budgeting, procurement, logistic management, asset management, management information systems, fund generation, etc.
    2. Teaching/Learning Processes
      1. basic computer skills (to serve as tools) – word processing, spreadsheet, database * management, and use of the INTERNET
      2. computer aided instruction in specialized subjects such as English, Science, Mathematics, Technology and Home Economics, Social Studies, History, etc.
    3. Support Operations
      1. basic computer skills – word processing and spreadsheet
  2. Implementation Arrangements
    The implementation of the modernization program will require the following activities and assignments of responsibilities:

    1. Financing – initially from the DECS budget and external (outside DECS) sources – c/o Financial and Management Service, Budget Division
      1. Equipment budget 1994 and 1995 (already used) and 1997 (proposed)
      2. DECS Computerization Program budget for 1996 (already released to DECS)
      3. Other sources – CDF, CIs, Adopt-a-School Program, etc.
    2. Procurement and Distribution of Computers, Other Equipment, Courseware, Software
      1. Procurement
        – Determination of Equipment Items, Quantities, and Technical Specifications – c/o BEE, BSE, Thsk Force on Computerization, Multi-Media Ihsk Force
        – Public Bidding – c/o DECS-PBAC
      2. Distribution (Note: Tentative allocation of computers and other equipment funded from 1996 budget)
        80% secondary
        15% elementary
        5% administrative
        – Identification of recipient schools and DECS Offices – c/o BEE, BSE, Task Force on Computerization, Multi-Media Task Force
      3. Purchase, Inspection and Shipment – c/o Administrative Service
    3. Training – c/o NEAP as overall coordinator
      1. Training of educational managers – c/o Task Force on Computerization.
      2. Training of teachers – c/o NEAP, Center for Educational Technology, curriculum divisions of BEE and BSE, and Field Supervisors/Trainors
      3. Training of support staff – c/o NEAP, Task Force on Computerization and HRDS

      (Note: Requisite activities are accreditation of training service providers by NEAP with the assistance of Multi-Media Task Force and DECS Regional Offices and issuance of guidelines by NEAP on the use of 5% of MOOE for in-service training including training for skills/competencies required for DECS modernization program. NEAP has to advertise immediately a call for service providers that wish to offer mass training programs to DECS.)

    4. Courseware/Software for Student Learning
      1. Evaluation of available educational software – CDs, videos, etc. for possible use in schools – c/o Multi-Media Task Force
      2. Development of multi-media aided curriculum components – c/o BEE and BSE
      3. Development of customized multi-media instructional materials to support school curriculum – c/o Multi-Media Task Force and Center for Educational Technology
    5. Evaluation
      1. Implementation of modernization program – c/o OPS, BEE, and BSE
      2. Impact on Student Learning – c/o NETRC and DECS Field Offices

The identified responsible DECS offices and units are directed to initiate the necessary action consistent with their assigned responsibility as described in this Order.

Please be guided accordingly.

Incl.: As stated
Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
