April 16, 1997 – DO 36, s. 1997 – Mid-Year Program Review and Evaluation

April 16, 1997
DO 36, s. 1997
Mid-Year Program Review and Evaluation

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. Pursuant to the pertinent guidelines in DECS Order No. 1, s. 1993 entitled “Increasing the Number of Elementary School Days and Time Allotment in the New Elementary School Curriculum” and DECS Order No. 2, s. 1993 entitled “Increasing the Number of Secondary School Days, Time Allotments and Subject Requirements in the New Secondary Education Curriculum” and in consonance with the thrust on quality education through a more relevant and meaningful basic, education program, a Mid-Year Program Review and Evaluation (MPRE) shall be held in all public elementary and secondary schools for a total of 5 days preferably at the end of the first semester of every school year effective SY 1997-1998 or any other date/s that the regional directors may deem more appropriate.
  2. Its objectives are the following:
    1. to evaluate the progress attained in the implementation of the educational program of the school;
    2. to review the performance of teachers and the school. staff with a view to addressing concerns through cooperative effort; and
    3. to provide pupils/students with off-school learning experiences undertaken either individually or in groups in order to apply learnings in the different subjects in a real-life context.
  3. Principals and teachers shall undertake activities to achieve the set objectives of MPRE. They may involve district/ division supervisors as professional consultants. Outputs of such activities may be instructional materials, teaching techniques, evaluation instruments, etc. as well as pedagogic assistance for teachers based on their needs as revealed in the performance appraisal conducted.
  4. Pupils/students shall be given individual/group projects that will call for the application of their learnings in a family that will call for the application of their learnings in a family/community setting. Assistance/support of family members as well as community leaders shall be enlisted. Results/outputs of the project/s which shall be reported in class when classes resume, shall form part of the rating in a particular subject/s.
  5. The Mid-Year Program Review and Evaluation shall be considered as a regular part of the curricular activities of the pupils/students and thus, shall not affect the number of days in the schoolyear.
  6. Widest dissemination and strict compliance of this Order is expected.

DECS Orders: (Nos. 1 and 2, s. 1993)
Allotment: 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
