January 27, 1998 -DO 12, s. 1998 Implementing Guidelines on the Holding of 1998 Summer Classes in Secondary Schools
January 27, 1998
DO 12, s. 1998
Implementing Guidelines on the Holding of 1998 Summer Classes in Secondary Schools
To: Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Private Secondary School Principals
1. In line with DECS thrust of making education accessible to all, this set of guidelines is issued for public and private high school students who need to enroll this summer to complete the requirements for promotion this school year (1997-1998).
2. For Summer 1998 the following shall be observed:
a. The summer classes will begin on Wednesday, April 1, 1998 and end on Friday, May 22, 1998 instead of what is stated in DO No. 13, s. 1997. It shall consist, of forty-two (42) class days including Saturdays.
b. For 40-minute or 1-unit credit subjects, the number of hours to be completed is 136.5 while for 80-minute or 2-unit credit subjects, the required number. of hours to be completed is 272.
The number of hours daily per subject will be as follows:
40-minute subjects – 3 hours and 15 minutes
80-mmute subjects – 6 hours and 30 minutes
c. This is in conformity with the number of contact hours and class days as announced in DECS Order 2, s. 1993 and RA 7792 respectively.
3. In addition to regular days and special holidays authorized in Executive Order No. 203 promulgated on June 30, 1987, the observance of other school holidays will be allowed provided the minimum number of class hours and class days are observed, as follows:
April 9 – Holy Thursday May 1 -Labor Day
April 10 – Good Friday May 11 – Election Day
4. The dates given in these guidelines shall be compulsory for public secondary schools offering summer classes. Private schools may deviate from them provided they notify the appropriate DECS Office in advance.
5. Immediate and wide dissemination of this Order is directed.
DECS Orders: (No. 2, s. 1993 and No. 13, s. 1997)
Allotment: 1-(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: