April 16, 1998 – DO 38, s. 1998 – Addendum to DECS Order No. 28, s. 1998
April 16, 1998
DO 38, s. 1998
Addendum to DECS Order No. 28, s. 1998

To: Undersecretaries/Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Service/Center Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

1.   The composition of the Pre- and Post Qualification, Bidding and Awards Committee for Foreign-Assisted Projects (PBAC-FAPs) is hereby expanded to include Atty. Felipe V. Millo, Jr., Chief, Legal Division as additional member.
2.   This Order shall lake effect immediately.


                                           ERLINDA S. PEFIANCO


DECS Order: (No. 28, s. 1998)


Allotment: l-(D.O. 50-97)


To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: