June 8, 1998 – DO 52, s. 1998 – Guidelines on the Implementation of the Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP) and the System of Rating and Reporting Student Performance Under the RHGP
June 8, 1998
DO 52, s. 1998
Guidelines on the Implementation of the Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP) and the System of Rating and Reporting Student Performance Under the RHGP

To:    Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Divisional Leader School Principals (Secondary)
Vocational High School Principals

1.     In cognizance of the nature and intent of Revitalized Homeroom Guidance Program (RHGP) which will be implemented  in all high schools nationwide beginning SY 1998-1999 (DECS Order No. 67, s. 1997), the following inclosures are hereby issued:
Inclosure No. 1 – Set of Guidelines for RHGP Implementation Inclosure No. 2 – Sample Class Program
Inclosure No. 3 – Roles of Key Actors in the Implementation of the Program
Inclosure No. 4 – Student Profile
Inclosure No. 5 – Set of Guidelines for Rating and Reporting   Student Performance
Inclosure No. 6 – Sample Rating Scale, a Transmutation Table for Scales in Involvement and Written Outputs, a Transmutation Table for Attendance, and a Sample Computation of the RHGP Grade.


2.      Feedback about the Program, particularly on the system of rating and reporting student performance ,   should   be   submitted  to   this   Office  (  Attn.:   The   Chief,    Curriculum  Development Division, Bureau of Secondary  Education , DECS 3rd Floor, Bonifacio Bldg.,  Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, telefax no. 632-77-46).
3.      All prior DECS issuances inconsistent with the provisions of this Order are hereby rescinded.

4.      Immediate dissemination of this Order is directed.


                                                                ERLINDA C. PEFIANCO

Incls. :
As stated


DECS Orders : Nos. 80, s. 1993 and (67, s. 1997)
Allotment: l-2-(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:

