June 17, 1998 – DO 53, s. 1998 – Amendment to DECS Order 51, s. 1996
June 17, 1998
DO 53, s. 1998
Amendment to DECS Order 51, s. 1996

To:   Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Center/Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
All others concerned

1.    In the interest of the project and in order to respond more fully to the implementation of the Third Elementary Education Project, Assistant Secretary Marcial A. Salvatierra is hereby designated as the TEEP Project Director effective 15 June 1998.
2.    Immediate dissemination of this Order is desired for the information and guidance of all concerned.


                                                                  ERLINDA C. PEFIANCO
Reference: DECS Order: (No. 51, s. 1996)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index

           under the following subjects:
Course of Study