To: Undersecretaries and Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Center/Regional Directors
School Superintendents
All Others Concerned
1. Coverage. This pertains to the use of the CY1999lump sum appropriation of DECS for instructional materials totaling P504.568 million which is included in the budgetary outlay of Regional Operations and is to be released directly: to the DECS Regional Offices as contained in the FY1999 General Appropriations Act.
2. Priority given to textbooks and teacher’s manuals. Amounts from the aforementioned budget for instructional materials, shall be utilized for the procurement of textbooks and teacher’s manuals approved for use in public schools by the DECS Instructional Materials Council. Procurement of supplementary and reference materials using amounts from the same lump sum appropriation shall not be allowed until further notice.
3. Procurement of books thru public bidding. As provided in DECS Order 8, s. 1999, the procurement of textbooks and teacher’s manuals thru public bidding by DECS using lump sum appropriations for this purpose shall be undertaken starting: CY1999. Direct purchases of textbooks and teacher’s manuals shall be allowed when funds other than the lump sum appropriation for instructional materials such as LGU/SEF funds and savings from MOOE are to be used. Direct purchases may also be allowed using amounts from the lump sum appropriation mentioned above subject to the approval of the DECS Secretary. In all direct purchases of textbooks and teacher’s manuals using government funds, the price ceilings as indicated in DECS Order 8, s. 1999 should be observed.
4. Pre/Post-Qualification, Bids and Awards Committee (PBAC). The DECS Central Office PBAC shall initiate procurement of textbooks and teacher’s manuals. However, to ensure that each region concerned is represented in the Committee, the Central Office PBAC which shall decide on bidding of books for a particular region shall be expanded to include at least two (2) voting representatives from the region concerned preferably the Regional Director or his representative and a representative from the private sector (e.g., PTCA, Rotary).
Reference: DECS Order: (No. 8, s. 1999)
Allotment: 1(0.0. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: