August 4, 1999 – DO 80, s. 1999 – Grade I Class Program for Experimental Schools in the Lingua Franca Education Project
August 4, 1999
DO 80, s. 1999
Grade I Class Program for Experimental Schools in the Lingua Franca Education Project
To:   Regional Directors
Schools Division Superintendents
School Administrators/Teachers
1.   The implementation of the Lingua Franca Education Project necessitates some changes in the time allotment and medium of instruction to be used in teaching the different learning areas.
2.   All learning areas in Grade I will be taught in the lingua franca widely spoken in the community where the school is located which may be Tagalog, Ilocano or Cebuano. In experimental schools where the lingua franca is either Cebuano or Ilocano, Wika (Filipino) will be taught orally as a subject whereas pre reading and reading skills will be taught in the lingua franca. Filipino will be taught as a subject in experimental schools whose lingua franca is Tagalog.
3.   The teaching of English as a subject will be done orally in the second semester. Inclosed are the suggested Grade I class programs.
4.   The experimental schools will be exempted from district/division/regional achievement tests. Pupil performance will be measured by teacher- made tests in the form of formative/summative tests and the achievement tests to be administered by the Central Office at the end of the school year.
5.   This Order shall take effect in the schools concerned this school year
Incls. :
As stated
N o n e
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:CURRICULUM
PROJECTS, (Lingua Franca Education)