August 12, 1999 – DO 85, s. 1999 – Breach of Security in National Examinations and Corresponding Sanctions
August 12, 1999
DO 85, s. 1999
Breach of Security in National Examinations and Corresponding Sanctions
To:   Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Private Elementary and Secondary Schools Principals
1.   Pursuant to Paragraph 5 of DECS Order No. 78, s. 1999, and Paragraph 3 of DECS Memorandum No. 255, s. 1999, the following acts are deemed as violations/infractions of security pertaining to national examinations:
  1. Reading of test booklets other than the examinee;
  2. Loss of test booklets;
  3. Late submission of test booklets and/or answer sheets after the required time;
  4. Photocopying of test booklets;
  5. Infringement of copyright;
  6. Supplying the answers to examinees; and
  7. Allowing impostors and substitute examinees.
2. Any or all of the following sanctions will be imposed on any or all of the aforementioned violations:
  1. Withdrawal of incentives/benefits of those involved;
  2. Closure of testing center where the irregularity/ies occurred; and
  3. One to three- month suspension of salaries of those concerned.
3. In the case of infringement of copyright, legal remedies will be considered.
4. Strict compliance with and wide dissemination of this Order are hereby enjoined.
DECS Order: (No. 78, s. 1999)
DECS Memorandum: (No. 255,s. 1999)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
Under the following subjects:EXAMINATIONS