DO 23, s. 2001 – Loss of Textbooks by Students

May 21, 2001
DO 23, s. 2001
Loss of Textbooks by Students
To:   Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Public Elementary and Secondary Schools Principals
1.  It has come to our attention that teachers are fined or given salary deductions for textbooks lost by their students. This is an onerous practice that must be stopped at once. Henceforth, no teacher may be fined for the normal loss of textbooks by her or his students.
2.  An alternative method of control over school property used by students and placed in the custody of teachers will be announced in due time. Meanwhile, any principal, supervisor, or superintendent who allows salary deductions for teachers because of lost books or other school property used by students will be dealt with accordingly.
3.  For strict compliance and dissemination to all concerned.


DECS Memoranda: Nos. 215, s. 1990 and 185, s. 1982
Allotment: 1—(D.O . 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: