DO 34, s. 2003 – Anti-SARS Campaign in Schools

May 9, 2003
DO 34, s. 2003
Anti-SARS Campaign in Schools

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. In response to the national threat brought about by the effect of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) to the populace, this Department shall vigorously implement an Anti-SARS Campaign in all schools nationwide.
  2. Regional directors are hereby instructed to execute immediately the following:
    1. Mobilization for Anti-SARS Campaign
      – Create Anti-SARS Task Forces at the regional, division and district levels to oversee all school anti-SARS activities and take the lead in coordinating with the DOH/DILG Task Forces at their. respective levels relative to the implementation of the National Anti-SARS Action Plan, including the mapping out of contingency plans, in case a probable or suspect case of SARS is identified in the area;
      – Mobilize all school health and nutrition personnel to disseminate information on SARS to the pupils/students, teachers and non¬teaching personnel;
      – Mobilize all student government organizations, scouts and youth leaders to create awareness on SARS and assist in the monitoring of SARS related activities;
      – Implement the Preventive Alert System in all schools (See Enclosure A);
      – Establish DepEd Anti-SARS Hotlines in all regional and division offices (see Enclosure B)
    2. Health Information Dissemination and Education
      – Orient all school heads on the DepEd Anti SARS Campaign in schools;
      – Hold meetings with the Parent-Teacher-Community Associations (PTCA) giving emphasis on proper nutrition and personal hygiene of their children and the importance of environmental sanitation;
      – Publish updates on SARS prevention in all school papers/ organs/newsletters;
      – Intensify health education in the classroom giving emphasis on personal hygiene, eating of balance diets and environmental sanitation;
    3. Collaboration with other stakeholders
      – Establish close collaboration with Parent-Teacher- Community Associations, Local Government Units, Municipal Health Offices on:

      • identification of residents in the community who have come home from any SARS – affected country/area;
      • referral of pupils/students/teachers with fever or who suffer from respiratory infection;
      • delineation of responsibilities between and among the agencies;
      • maintenance of environmental sanitation in the schools and communities;
      • monitoring and assessment of the implementation of the local Anti-SARS Action Plan; and
      • information and educational campaign against SARS.
  3. All school heads and health personnel are likewise instructed to conduct during the National School Maintenance Week (Brigada Eskwela) on May 19 – 23, 2003, an intensive information campaign among parents and teachers on the prevention of SARS, and to take the lead in the clean-up drive to prevent diseases.
  4. All Regional Health and Nutrition Unit Staff and division schools medical officers shall be trained as trainors on the various aspects of the Anti-SARS campaign, more particularly on the strategies to prevent SARS and what to do in case a SARS suspect is identified in the community. The Regional/Division Anti- SARS Action Plans shall be formulated during the training, and the trained staff shall immediately operationalize such plans in their areas of responsibility.
  5. Regional Directors shall prepare and submit a monthly report to the Office of the Secretary, through the Health and Nutrition Center, using the DepEd Anti-sSARS e-mail addresses and hotlines, on the accomplishments and actions taken in compliance with this Department Order.
  6. Enclosed for ready reference are the relevant Information on SARS (Enclosure C) for use in informing our stakeholders on the nature, transmission, signs and symptoms, prevention and control of SARS, Guidelines on the Operationalization of the Preventive Alert System (Enclosure A) and the DepEd Anti-SARS Hotlines (Enclosure B).
  7. Immediate dissemination of and compliance wifi this Order is directed.

As stated
Allotment; 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual index under the following subjects:
