February 25, 2009
DO 18, s. 2009
Tuition Fees in Private Schools

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Service/Center Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. DepED has been implementing a tuition deregulation policy in basic education for many years. Past experience has shown that private schools have exercised self-restraint in proposing tuition fee increases, ever conscious of the financial burden which such increases will impose on their students. We wish to commend and thank the private schools for acting responsibly and serving as government’s partner in providing access to educational opportunities. The national government will continue to implement its program of assistance to private education notwithstanding the fiscal difficulties it currently faces.
  2. Now that the country is beginning to feel the effects of the global economic crisis, we are confident that private schools will continue to demonstrate the same, if not greater, level of self-restraint and responsible stewardship. DepED central and field offices will monitor closely any tuition fee increases proposed by private schools. We will not hesitate to use our regulatory powers to protect the interests of students should certain schools show a lack of sensitivity to current economic conditions.
  3. Private schools are reminded to comply with the consultation and notification requirements mandated by existing laws and regulations. Consultations must be completed not later than March 30, 2009. Applications for tuition fee increases, supported by the necessary documentation evidencing consultation and compliance with the utilization of the proceeds of tuition fee increases, should be submitted to the DepED regional offices not later than May 15, 2009.
  4. Please be guided accordingly.

Allotment: 1- -(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
