June 5, 2009
DO 58, s. 2009
Designating a Focal Office to Handle Concerns and Activities Relative to Parents-Teachers Associations (PTAs) and its Federations

To: Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Public Schools District Supervisors
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

  1. Pursuant to DepED Order No. 54, s. 2009 on the Revised Guidelines Governing Parents-Teachers Associations at the School Level, the Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations, thru the Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs (CSCA), is hereby designated as the focal office to handle concerns and activities of the Parents-Teachers Associations and its Federations.
  2. As such, the focal office is tasked and authorized to undertake the following to ensure the full implementation of these new guidelines and such other guidelines that may be issued hereinafter:
    1. conduct information dissemination throughout the entire DepED system;
    2. coordinate synchronization of implementation of DepED Order No. 54, s. 2009 and such other issuances;
    3. monitor compliance of divisions and schools with the new guidelines;
    4. hold meetings and conferences to gather feedback and consult stakeholders relative to the various concerns and activities of the PTAs; and,
    5. secure compliance reports and other reports needed pertinent to the affairs of the PTAs.
  3. All Regional Directors and Schools Division/City Superintendents, who shall designate PTA Regional and Division Coordinators respectively, are enjoined to extend full support and cooperation in this regard.
  4. For coordination and inquiries, please contact the Office of the Undersecretary for Regional Operations Ramon C. Bacani thru tel. no.: (02) 633-7203 or the Center for Students and Co-Curricular Affairs c/o Executive Director Joey G. Pelaez thru tel. nos.: (02) 631-8495 and (02) 636-3603 or email joeypelaez@ymail.com or website www.deped-csca.com.
  5. Immediate and widest dissemination of this Order is directed.

DepED Order: (No. 54, s. 2009)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
