June 24, 2010 DO 87, s. 2010 – Institutionalization of the School-Based Mentoring Program (SBMP) in All Elementary Schools


June 24, 2010
DO 87, s. 2010
Institutionalization of the School-Based Mentoring Program (SBMP) in All Elementary Schools
  1. In pursuance to DepEd Memorandum Nos. 107, 137 and 483, s. 2009, the National English Proficiency Program (NEPP) of this Department announces the institutionalization of the School-Based Mentoring Program (SBMP) in all public elementary schools nationwide effective School Year 2010-2011 and thereafter.
  2. The objectives of the institutionalization are to:
    1. maximize the competence of trained mentors who undertook the mentoring program;
    2. improve the competence of mentees under the mentoring program specifically on Communicative Language Teaching (CLT), Beginning Reading, Assessment and Interventions;
    3. create a community of learners among school managers and the teachers to plan lessons, prepare instructional materials, and discuss issues and concerns related to teaching; and
    4. improve the performance of the school children.
  3. The following are the guidelines for the effective institutionalization of the program:
    1. Learning managers (school administrators) shall spearhead the conduct of the school-based mentoring once a week for at least three (3) hours as stipulated in the mentors action plan;
    2. Regional and Division NEPP Coordinators (English Supervisors) shall monitor the conduct of the school-based mentoring activities;
    3. Trained mentors shall share CLT, Beginning Reading, Assessment, and other interventions with other teacher-mentees through demonstration teaching and other related activities during school/district/division meetings and Learning Action Cells (LACs) sessions;
    4. Division Mentors’ Circle Meeting shall be conducted quarterly;
    5. NEPP resources such as mentor-trainers, NEPP modules and materials shall be maximally utilized in any English seminar=workshops;
    6. Activities relative to SBMP should be reflected in the School Improvement Plan (SIP), Division Improvement Plan (DIP) as well as in the Regional Improvement Plan;
    7. Trained mentors shall not be transferred to another grade level for at least for five (5) years, and they shall not be deprived of any promotion;
    8. Service credit should be given to the teacher-mentors for extra services rendered; and
    9. Semestral Reports on the extent of the implementation of the program shall be submitted every July and January to the NEPP Secretariat, Office of the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects, DepEd Central Office, through the Regional NEPP Coordinator.
  4. Expenses relative to the conduct of said activities shall be charged to INSET funds of the school/district/division subject to the usual accounting and auditing procedures.
  5. For more information, please contact Dr. Rosalina J. Villaneza, Head, NEPP Secretariat, Office of the Undersecretary for Programs and Projects, DepEd Central Office, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City at tel. nos.: (02) 687-4146 and (02) 633-7202 and/or at cellphone nos.: 0908-523-7193 and 0906-678-1626.
  6. Immediate and wide dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.
Mona D. Valisno