January 6, 2011 DO 1, s. 2011 – Guidelines for the Implementation of the 2011 Basic Educational Facilities Funds
- The CY 2011 DepEd Basic Educational Facilities Funds (BEFF) in lump sum amount of Eleven Billion Two Hundred Ninety-One Million Two Hundred Thirty-Six Thousand Pesos (PhP 11,291,236,000.00)shall be utilized to address the classroom, water and sanitation facilities, and furniture requirements of the schools belonging to the “red and black” zones of the Basic Education Information System (BEIS), as well as the repair and rehabilitation of classrooms, the Gabaldon and other heritage buildings. The funding allocation per legislative district has been based on a 1:45 single shift classroom-student ratio.
- The detailed guidelines for the implementation of the different projects under the BEFF are in the following Enclosure Nos. 1, 2 and 3 of this DepEd Order:
Enclosure No. 1 – Guidelines for the Implementation of School
Building Program For Areas Experiencing Acute Classroom Shortage (Red and Black Schools) to be Funded under the CY 2011 DepED Basic Educational Funds (BEFF).
Enclosure No. 2 – Guidelines For the Implementation of
Repair/Rehabilitation of Classrooms Including Water and Sanitation Facilities to be Funded under the CY 2011 DepEd Basic Educational Facilities Funds.
Enclosure No. 3 – Guidelines for the Implementation of the CY
2011 School Furniture Program to be Funded under the CY 2011 DepEd Basic Educational Facilities Funds.
- The lists of red and black schools were drawn from the updated Instructional Room Analysis of the BEIS. The budgetary ceiling for each region, the provincial costing and allocation list per legislative district/schools division shall be provided by the Regional Office, through the Regional Physical Facilities Coordinator (RPFC), or by the Physical Facilities and Schools’ Engineering Division (PFSED) of the Central Office.
4. The PFSED shall draw up the initial priority list from BEIS data and forward the same to the Division Physical Facilities Coordinator (DPFC), for validation of the proposed school recipients, and approval of the Schools Division Superintendent . The allocation for both the elementary and secondary schools shall not exceed the budgetary ceiling of the legislative district/schools division.
5. In preparing the list of recipient schools, the format shown in Enclosure No. 4 shall be followed.
a. The final list shall be prepared in triplicate copies, one copy to be submitted to PFSED, second copy to the Regional Office, and the third copy to be retained by the Division Office concerned.
b. It was agreed during the 6th National Convention of Physical Facilities Coordinators at Cagayan de Oro City that the deadline set for the submission of list is December 31,2010. However, to provide ample time for the preparation of said list, extension is being given until January 14, 2011. Failure to comply shall mean that PFSED Central Office shall determine the recipient schools based on the updated BEIS.
c. The Division Physical Facilities Coordinator (DPFC) shall indicate his/her contact numbers (telephone number, fax number, mobile/cellular phone number) in the list for easy access , in case clarification on the contents is needed.
6. To comply with the timely completion of the project, the “No Realignment” policy shall be imposed except for duplication of projects/funds and errors in the data entry made by DepED. Thus, in preparing the final list of recipient schools, thorough conduct of assessment considering all factors that may affect its implementation shall be exercised by the Division Offices
7. In the assessment of the proposed recipient schools, the following shall be considered:
a. Proper site adaptation of the standard detailed engineering designs specifically for proposed multi-storey buildings wherein the conduct of soil investigation shall be judiciously followed;
b. Priority Schools located in typhoon-prone areas or those in the Eastern Seaboard shall adopt the Hazard Resilient School building (HRSB) Design;
c. The use of indigenous materials is encouraged.
8. To prevent duplication of recipient schools in the Regular School Building Program (RSBP) implemented by the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH), or in any other School Building Projects being implemented by other agencies and non-government organizations (NGOs), the Schools Division/City Superintendents, or their representatives, may coordinate with the concerned Representative of the Legislative District, Local Government Unit (LGU) through the School Board, and other concerned entities, on the preparation of the final list of recipient schools.
The Schools Division/City Superintendent (SDS) shall be responsible in ensuring that the Congressional Representatives and Local Government Units (LGUs) of their respective Division are informed of the list of priority recipients schools of this particular program. Enclosure No. 5 (A and B) contains the pro-forma information letter to the Representatives and LGUs.
- The priority lists of schools shall be submitted to the Physical Facilities and Schools’ Engineering Division – Office of Planning Service (PFSED-OPS), at the 4th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepED Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City with telefax numbers (02)-633-7263/(02) 638-7110/(02) 638-4108 and e-mail address: pfsed_010305@yahoo.com.
- The default mode of implementation of the projects is by Contract and shall strictly follow the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 9184.
Implementation shall be based on the following threshold:
Implementing Agency Implementing Threshold
Central Office Above 20 Million worth of projects per contract
Regional Office Above 15 Million to not more than 20 Million worth of projects per contract
Division Office Above 5 Million but not more than 15 Million worth of projects per contract
Schools with Fiscal Autonomy Not more than 5 Million worth of projects per contract
For Implementing Units (IUs) which have shown poor performance (those implementing units who have pending unimplemented projects in the previous years) under the 2010 SBP, upon analysis and recommendation of the PFSED, the next higher IU shall manage the implementation of the projects.
- Local Government Units (LGUs) which are interested to implement the project on a counterparting scheme shall submit their letter of intent to the SDS. Upon evaluation of the Division, the SDS shall request approval from the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance and Administration, through the Physical Facilities and Schools Engineering Division (PFSED) using the proforma Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) specified in the counterparting scheme between DepED and the Leagues of Provinces/Cities/Municipalities. If there are proposed amendments to the proforma MOA, the documents shall be reviewed by the Undersecretary for Legal Affairs.
- Projects identified in areas with peace and order problem may be implemented by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Engineering Brigade by the Administration. A corresponding MOA shall be made and entered by and between the Department of National Defense (DND) and the DepED Division Office to be approved by the Office of the Undersecretary for Finance and Administration, through the PFSED.
- Procurement shall immediately commence while waiting for the release of the Special Allotment Release Order (SARO) by the Department of Budget and Management (DBM), to ensure that the school buildings, water and sanitation facilities can be used by the start of SY 2011-2012. Please see Enclosure No. 6 for the Government Procurement Policy Board relative to the conduct of bidding in the absence of SARO and Enclosure No. 7 for the Implementation Schedule of these programs for reference and guidance.
- The Constructor’s Performance Evaluation System (CPES) as stipulated in DepED Order No. 114 s. 2010 shall be implemented. Likewise, the involvement of the Civil Society Monitors shall also be considered in accordance with DepED Order No. 59 s. 2007.
- In order to determine the compliance of the different Implementing Units (IUs) in the implementing guidelines set herein, the Internal Audit Service (IAS) of the DepED Central Office shall conduct random audits. Likewise, failure to comply with the provisions of this Order shall be subject to sanctions duly imposed in accordance to Civil Service Rules and Regulations.
- Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.
DepEd Secretary
Ends.: As stated
References: DepEd Order: Nos.: 59, s. 2007 and 114, s. 2010
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: