October 28, 2011 DO 83, s. 2011 – Disaster Preparedness Measures for Schools

October 28, 2011
DO 83, s. 2011
Disaster Preparedness Measures for Schools

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/ City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. The disaster risk reduction in education must aim at addressing underlying drivers of disaster risk such as the following: (i) poorly built school structures; (ii) little knowledge of teachers about risks and skills in risk reduction; (iii) low capacity of teachers and administrators in disaster preparedness and response; and (iv) lack of warning mechanisms and absence of risk assessments.
  2. Specifically in the schools, where damages of disasters are mostly evident and where effects to children’s education are strongly felt, actions had to be taken to mitigate the effects of disasters.
  3. The school personnel should be able to anticipate risks of natural and man- made hazards and to ensure the safety of schools before, during and after an emergency to enable learners’ continued access to education.
  4. In view of this, schools are directed to implement the following mitigation measures for natural disasters such as typhoons, flooding, landslides, tornadoes among others:
    1. ensure that the school building can withstand heavy rain and strong winds. Single level schools built at ground level may be anchored by guy wires to strengthen the stability of the structure;
    2. store textbooks, teaching manuals, school records and school equipment (fax machine, laptop, photocopier, TV, VCR and science equipment, etc.) at a safe place, preferably on an elevated room to
    3. ensure protection from rain or flood;learn about typhoon and other weather disturbances, their signs and warnings, effects and dangers and how to protect the school children, records and school properties;
    4. educate school children on preparedness for tropical cyclones;
    5. regularly conduct school disaster response-drills or simulations; and
    6. observe strictly the DepEd policies on the suspension of classes or invoke school-based decisions in coordination with the local government units (LGUs).
  5. Moreover, schools are encouraged to involve the students, their families and their communities in preparing for disasters, for this is an effective method of raising their awareness about risk reduction.
  6. The regional and division offices are directed to monitor and provide technical support to the schools in implementing their disaster mitigation activities.
  7. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.

Reference: None

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
