Continuous Improvement (CI) Program Symposium

Thursday, June 23, 2016
         After seven months of coaching and training the aspiring ‘to be’ CI coaches and trainers, the Department of Education Regions VI, VII, VIII, and XI with the support and cooperation of the Basic Education Sector Transformation (BEST) have finally come to present and showcase their Continuous  Improvement projects in a symposium yesterday, on June 23, 2016 at Citi Park Hotel. These projects were crafted as CI team members participated in CI training and coaching sessions every Tuesdays of every week in 7 months from November 2015- May 2016. It was also during this day that all of them finally marched for their commencement rites since most of them would be assuming the role of CI coaches/trainers.
Yesterday’s activity was attended by the executives from Regions VI, VII, VIII and XI for they assisted the graduates in giving out their certificates and pinning their CI pins. It was also participated by the Team Leader of BEST Program, Greg Ryan Gadsden.
This whole day activity started with a plenary session of the CI Projects of selected CI Teams from every region. And it was followed by the breakout sessions of the CI Projects of the remaining CI Teams from every region. The breakout sessions were classified under Continuous Improvement programs on Managing Curriculum and Learning Resources, Regional/Division Administrative Processes, Governance and Operations, Managing Human Resources, and Managing Financial Resources.