September 16, 2020 – All 24 public elementary and secondary schools have already conducted the actual distribution of Navoschool Boxes in the Division of Navotas from September 7 until September 15. A total of 48,635 or 98% of the 49,628 enrolled learners in the city of Navotas already received their learning packages in preparation for the October 5 class opening.

The parents went to school to get the Navoschool Boxes containing textbooks, Self-Learning Modules (good for one month – week 1-week 4), activity sheets, as well as school supplies and hygiene kits (gathered through sustained Brigada Eskwela donations). Health and safety protocols were strictly observed as reinforcements from the PNP, AFP, and barangay security personnel helped secure the successful, orderly, and peaceful conduct of the distribution.

The distribution of learning packages went smoothly. Observed efficiency time is 3-4 minutes per parent to sign up, get the Navoschool box, and leave the school (with temperature checks, and other health measures observed). Navoschool boxes that were not claimed by parents due to health or socio-economic reasons will be delivered through the Hatid Aral Project wherein barangay personnel will be the one to deliver the learning packets in the household.

The Division of Navotas registered a 104.11% enrolment which reflects the trust of the community to the learning continuity program laid out by the SDO and schools.

Appreciation goes to the Local Government Unit thru the very dependable leadership of Mayor Toby Tiangco, Congressman John Rey Tiangco, Vice-mayor Clint Geronimo, City Councilors, LGU Department Heads, All Barangay Officials, School Heads, select teachers, and other personnel, PTAs, SK Officials and all other benevolent partners.

For more information, contact Dr. Marco D. Meduranda, Division Information Officer at mobile number 09173111845.