January 28, 2022
 – The Philippines, through the Department of Education (DepEd), highlighted the importance of shared responsibility in promoting Lifelong Learning and Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in support of the adoption of the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Education 2030 Strategy and Action Plan in the Eighth ASEM Education Ministers’ Meeting (ASEMME8).

On behalf of Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones, Undersecretary and Chief of Staff Nepomuceno Malaluan participated in the ASEMME8. He expressed DepEd’s commitment to the vision of the ASEM Education 2030 Strategy and Action Plan, particularly Strategic Objective 2: Promoting Lifelong Learning (LLL), Including Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET).

Undersecretary Malaluan recognized the cross-cutting roles of communities, industries, and institutions in nurturing lifelong learning that transcends formal education and, consequently, advancing the learning ecosystem’s adaptive development. “Learning opportunities can best thrive if we regard learning spaces, physical and virtual, formal and non-formal, as habitats for learners, where learners learn and become adaptive.”, Undersecretary Malaluan said.

He added that these are critical factors in attaining the objectives of the Strategy and Action Plan and ensuring a sustainable future for all. This aligns with the ASEMME8 theme “ASEM Education 2030: Towards more resilient, prosperous and sustainable futures“.

He also underscored the gains that the COVID-19 pandemic prompted in the education sector, such as the significance of lifelong learning, innovations in learning delivery, and multi-setting learning spaces. “We need to provide learning opportunities not only in formal education but in numerous settings, including the workplace, the home, and in socio-economic settings within and beyond national borders, to facilitate continuous learning, upskilling, and reskilling throughout life.” Undersecretary Malaluan shared.

The ASEMME8, which was virtually held on December 15, 2021, provided the Ministerial-level platform for the 53 ASEM partner countries and institutions to fortify transregional cooperation in the Asian and European education sectors by setting the direction and plotting the actions needed to implement the ASEM Education 2030 Strategy and Action Plan, the guiding document of the ASEM Education Process.

The meeting was hosted by the Ministry of Education of Thailand, with support from the ASEM Education Secretariat.

The ASEM is an informal intergovernmental forum for policy dialogue and cooperation between Asia and Europe in the political, economic, social, cultural, & educational areas. Under the social, cultural, & educational area of collaboration is the ASEM Education, which serves as the platform for interregional cooperation in the education sector of Asia and Europe.