February 15, 2022 – The Department of Education (DepEd), in collaboration with Microsoft Philippines, introduced the Project Be Techie in School (B.T.S.): Tech Episode webinar series to help the learners in utilizing M.S. accounts that will be relevant in their education which started on February 4.

Through the Bureau of Learner Support Services (BLSS) – Youth Formation Division (Y.F.D.), the 30-minute virtual lectures aim to assist the students on latest computer skills and best practices in using Microsoft-owned applications.

Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones encouraged the learners nationwide to participate in the said event to help utilize these kinds of tools for their educational growth.

“While we continue addressing pandemic-related challenges in education, we want to ensure that our learners will still acquire 21st century skills to better prepare them for the future. This webinar would be helpful to our students in learning basic and advanced tips on using the popular computer software,” Secretary Briones said.

The webinar, which would be live-streamed at DepEd Tayo-Youth Formation official Facebook page, would be composed of 10 episodes that will tackle different lectures, including the Microsoft Teams (February 4), Microsoft OneNote (February 11), Microsoft PowerPoint, and Sway (February 18), Microsoft OneDrive (February 25), and Windows 11 (March 4).

The program will also discuss the usage of Microsoft Word (March 11), Microsoft Whiteboard (March 18), Microsoft Excel (March 25), Minecraft: Education Edition (April 1), and Mobile Versions of M365 apps (April 8).

“I would like to extend my warmest gratitude to the Microsoft Philippines for collaborating with us and making this event a possibility. This is a huge step for us in providing quality and accessible education to everyone,” Sec. Briones shared.

Furthermore, the Office of the Undersecretary for Administration also reminded the field offices, through their respective Youth Formation Coordinators, to ensure the maximum participation of all students from Grades 5 to 12 with internet connectivity in the said series.

All students are also reminded to pre-register at www.blssfyd.weebly.com and activate their Microsoft accounts beforehand. For more information, check the O.U.A. Memo 00-0122-0160 at https://blssyfd.weebly.com/uploads/6/9/7/2/69727641/oua-memo-1220160-project-bts-tech-episodes-01262022-2022.01.31__1_.pdf

The Project B.T.S. is part of the Public Schools of the Future (PSOF) Framework of the Administration Strand led by Undersecretary Alain Del B. Pascua and Assistant Secretary Salvador Malana III, under the leadership of Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones.