12 June 2024 – The Department of Education (DepEd) issues this statement in response to insinuations of delay in appointments for the Teacher Education Council (TEC) Secretariat.
DepEd has always held the highest regard for teacher quality and has consistently made teacher education a top priority.
As chairperson, Vice President and Secretary of the Department of Education Sara Z. Duterte spearheaded multiple meetings of the TEC which included several discussions on the creation, selection process, and appointment of qualified individuals who will be part of the Council Secretariat.
Aside from the regular Council meetings, technical meetings were also held with the DBM in relation to the organizational structure and staffing pattern (OSSP) of the TEC Secretariat.
As a result of the foregoing, the proposed organizational structure and staffing pattern (OSSP) of the TEC Secretariat was submitted to the DBM on 25 March 2024. The subject proposal was then approved by the DBM on 21 May 2024.
Yesterday, 11 June 2024, the physical copy of the Notice of Organization, Staffing and Compensation Action (NOSCA) was received through the Office of the Undersecretary for Human Resource and Organizational Development (OUHROD).
Contrary to the baseless insinuations made by a certain “advocacy group”, DepEd understands the importance of these appointments for the TEC’s functionality and the broader goal of enhancing teacher education and training, in as much as we also understand the need to abide by the proper processes in relation to the creation of new plantilla items in government.
We assure our education stakeholders that the appointments will be completed in due course and in accordance with existing rules, as the TEC embarks on its critical work for the benefit of our Filipino teachers.
Thank you.