March 11, 2024 DO 004, S. 2024 – Guidelines in the Procurement of Goods Using the Supply and Delivery Strategy and Contract Implementation of Procurement of Goods in the Department of Education

Guidelines in the Procurement of Goods Using the Supply and Delivery Strategy and Contract Implementation of Procurement of Goods in the Department of Education DO_s2024_004 Annexes to DO 004, s. continue reading : March 11, 2024 DO 004, S. 2024 – Guidelines in the Procurement of Goods Using the Supply and Delivery Strategy and Contract Implementation of Procurement of Goods in the Department of Education

Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of Science and Mathematics Equipment Packages to Public Elementary for Grades 1 to 3 & 4 to 6, Public Junior High Schools for Grades 7 to 10, and Public Senior High Schools for Grade 11 to 12 (CORE & STEM)

Project Number 2024-BLR4(002)-BVI-CB-003 Project Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of Science and Mathematics Equipment Packages to Public Elementary for Grades 1 to 3 & 4 to 6, Public Junior High continue reading : Mass Production, Supply, and Delivery of Science and Mathematics Equipment Packages to Public Elementary for Grades 1 to 3 & 4 to 6, Public Junior High Schools for Grades 7 to 10, and Public Senior High Schools for Grade 11 to 12 (CORE & STEM)

March 7 , 2024 – Application of Schools Division Offices as Professional Regulations Commission – Accredited Continuing Professional Development Providers

Application of Schools Division Offices as Professional Regulations Commission-Accreditated Continuing Professional Development Providers The National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP), pursuant to its mandate to streamline professional development programs continue reading : March 7 , 2024 – Application of Schools Division Offices as Professional Regulations Commission – Accredited Continuing Professional Development Providers