DO 45, s. 2005 – Head Teacher Positions for the Component Subjects of MAKABAYAN

August 15, 2005
DO 45, s. 2005
Head Teacher Positions for the Component Subjects of MAKABAYAN

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools

  1. Inasmuch as the pilot implementation of the BEC has been completed, the moratorium on the reclassification of the position of head teacher of any of the four component subjects of Makabayan, as stated in Item 4 of DepED Order No. 54, s. 2002 (Guidelines on the Reclassification of Department Head Positions for the Component Subjects of Makabayan), is lifted.
  2. Coordinatorship of Makabayan as a learning area, however, shall continue to be rotated among the head teachers or designated department heads of the four (4) component subjects of Makabayan.
  3. Immediate compliance of and wide dissemination of this Order is directed.

Reference: DepED Order No: (54, s. 2002)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Learning area, MAKABAYAN
