DO 30, s. 1987 – Guidelines for the Effective Utilization of the Regional Educational Learning Center (RELC)

March 25, 1987
DO 30, s. 1987
Guidelines for the Effective Utilization of the Regional Educational Learning Center (RELC)

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
RELC Staff

  1. In line with the objectives of the Program for Decentralized Educational Development (PRODED) to sustain capability of the regions for an effective and efficient management of its staff, thirteen (13) Regional Educational Learning Centers (RELC) have been established. These centers are envisioned to meet educational needs of school officials and teachers in the region in relation to educational innovations and programs implementation. For effective management and maximum utilization of the RELCS, the following guidelines are hereby formulated:
    1. Organization and Staffing
      1. The RELC shall be administered by the Regional Director and managed by the RELC Administrative Assistant. The MECSRO Elementary, Secondary, Higher Education Divisions shall provide supervisory and consultative services, as needed.
      2. The RELC shall have a basic staff complement of: 1 (one) Administrative Assistant, 1(one) Duplicating Equipment Operator, 2(two) Security Guards. These shall serve as its Secretariat.
      3. The Administrative Assistant shall head the Secretariat and shall have the following functions:
        1. Manage the administrative services functions of the RELC and take charge of its operation and maintenance.
        2. Sit as a member of the RELC Program Committee in the regional office to prepare the annual plan of activities for the region.
        3. Receive and schedule requests from other agencies for use of the center for training programs, materials development, workshop, etc.
        4. Assist project proponents in getting needed facilities and services, in the meantime that these are not yet available at the center, e.g.
          – Accommodation
          – Catering services
          – Facilities and equipment
      4. Keep record of activities and submit reports regularly to the regional director on the management and operation of the center
    2. Physical Structure
      1. As envisioned, the RELC shall serve as regional base for staff and instructional materials development as well as a venue for research activities. It has been designed to provide the following:
        1. Administrative Services
          i. Coordinator’s Office
          ii. Office for Administrative Staff
        2. Staff Development
          i. Multi-purpose Area/Conference Room
          ii. Classrom/Function Room
          iii. Audio-Visual Area
        3. Instructional Materials Development
          i. Production Room
          ii. Display Area
        4. Research
          i. Library/Information Center
        5. General Services
          i. Rest Room
          ii. Stock Room/Storage Area
      2. PRODED has provided some pieces of furniture and equipment for the RELC. The regional offices are encouraged to acquire the rest of the needed facilities through purchase, manufacture, donations, and the like.
      3. Some RELCs are provided with dormitories. Those which are not so provided may construct their own living quarters or utilize nearby schools/classrooms for the purpose.
    3. Resources
      1. As information center in the region, the RELC shall produce, store and loan out instructional materials to DLRCs and other clientele. These materials shall be catalogued to systematize storage lending and circulation of resources. Complete and accurate recording of loans and retrievals shall be provided.
      2. Instructional materials shall be continuously improved and upgraded. Whenever necessary, improve and upgraded. Whenever necessary, overused instructional materials shall be restored and old materials shall be updated.
      3. Print and non-print materials shall be continually augmented through production, solicitation and/or donations to ensure updated resources in the center.
      4. For maximum utilization, audio-visual and other equipment given to the regional office shall be kept at the RELC. These shall be made available to accredited clientele on receipt. When not in use, these shall be periodically checked by a technician before storing in secured places. Proper care and maintenance shall be observed.
      5. The RELC shall keep a list of human resources for the different areas of specification. The list may include MECS administrators/supervisors, members of the academe, local officials and other members of the community.
      6. Instructional linkages shall be developed to enable consortium of resources to take place.
    4. Funds for Maintenance/Operation
      1. The regional office shall appropriate some amount in its budget for the maintenance and operation of the RELC and dormitory. To supplement this reasonable amount may be charged for lodging and for the use of its facilities and equipment. Fees collected should be receipted and entered into Center’s Books of Accounts.
      2. The RELC Administrative Assistant may be assigned as the accountable person for the collection and disbursement of said fees.
      3. Existing accounting and auditing rules and regulations shall be rules and regulations shall be strictly observed in the collection and disbursement of the funds of the RELC.
    5. Management of Programs and Activities
      1. The use of the center must be maximized. Programs and activities shall be properly scheduled such that it would not be idle at any time of the year. The schedule of activities must be given widest dissemination through regional memoranda or a regional paper.
      2. Programs and activities shall include training and development programs, instructional materials development (print and non-print), research and planning and other related educational activities. These may be initiated or conducted by the Region, by the division offices, or private organizations.
      3. A RELC Program Committee shall be organized in the Regional Office which shall include representatives from the MECSTRO Elementary, Secondary and Higher Education Divisions and the RELC Administrative Assistant. Chairmanship in this Committee may be rotated starting with the Chief of Elementary Education Division. This Committee shall prepare the yearly plan of activities for the center including programs and activities submitted by the division offices and private organizations.
      4. Regional action plans and schedules of RELC activities shall be submitted and approved by the regional director, copy furnished, the Bureau of Elementary Education, MECS Central Office.
      5. Activities in the RELC shall be monitored by the Regional and Central Office staff. Reports on the conduct of RELC programs shall be regularly submitted to the Regional Office and the Bureau of Elementary Education, MECS, Manila.
      6. Assessment shall be annually conducted by the RELC staff and improvement in its operations shall be made as necessary. Evaluation shall be made by the Central Office as needed.
  2. Immediate dissemination of this Order to those concerned is desired.

Reference: None
Allotment: 1—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
