DO 112, s. 1990 – Accreditation of INNOTECH Training Programs

October 5, 1990
DO 112, s. 1990
Accreditation of INNOTECH Training Programs

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. The SEAMED-Regional Center for Educational Innovation and Technology offers annual training courses on various areas of education. These courses are:
    1. Three-Month Training Course on Educational Planning and Management, Innovation and Technology;
    2. Two-Month Course on Educational Development through Research and Evaluation;
    3. One-Month Training Course on Supervision and Management; and
    4. Regular Sport Courses (Two-Week Courses)
  2. These courses are highly specialized, intensive, output-oriented and international training programs for key education officials and personnel in different ASEAN regions.
  3. Participants in these INNOTECH programs may be granted accreditation of their training in an elective or related subject in the graduate course, based on the following guidelines:
    1. The basic document upon which said accreditation shall be based is the Certificate of Participation issued by the SEAMEO-INNOTECH and duly signed by the Director, at the discretion of the Dean, a copy of the course output may be required for submission.
    2. Similarity of course content/description shall be the main consideration.
    3. The number of units to be granted shall depend on the duration of the training:
      3-week and 1-month courses = 3 units
      2-month and 3-month courses = 6 units
  4. This Order supersedes all DECS issuances in this matter and shall take effect immediately.

Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
