August 30, 1995 – DO 55, s. 1995 – Maximizing the Utilization of School Land and Fishery Resources for Food Production and Related Activities


August 30, 1995
DO 55, s. 1995
Maximing the Utilization of School Land and Fishery Resources for Food Production and Related Activities

To: Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators

  1. In line with the country’s drive to be self-sufficient in food, and considering that many colleges and schools own large tracks of land and fishery resources, it is hereby declared a policy that all colleges and schools with lands suitable for food production shall maximize their use in order to contribute to the food self-sufficiency program.
  2. Relative thereto, the following actions are suggested:
    1. All presidents, superintendents and vocational administrators of agricultural and fishery colleges and schools shall take the lead in undertaking an intensified food production by harnessing their available land and other resources, particularly those that have remained idle, for this program. Such schools shall set as their target the production of all the basic food requirements of their faculty, staff and students, whenever practicable.
    2. All regional directors and schools superintendents shall likewise intensify food production consciousness in all elementary and high schools and utilize available land in their school sites. In highly urbanized schools without available land, appropriate gardening technologies, such as gardens in pots, may be promoted.
    3. These activities shall be pursued within the framework of the “schools within a garden” program and related eco-technology concepts.
  3. Regional directors shall submit a results-oriented report of the implementation/action plan on this program to the undersigned (Attention: Undersecretary Erlinda C. Pefianco) starting on September 30, 1995 and quarterly thereafter.
  4. For the guidance of all concerned.

DECS Memorandum: No. 77, s. 1995
Allotment: 1-2-3—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
