February 18, 2022 – After two years at the helm, the Philippine Department of Education formally turned over the leadership of the Association of Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) Education Sector organizations to the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam.

“We would like to give our deepest appreciation to the members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, Secretaries and Ministers of Education in the Region, and other officials for supporting us during our tenure,” Education Secretary Leonor Magtolis Briones said.

“The Department was able to assist our neighboring countries in crafting initiatives and ideas to improve the education delivery, especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Our leadership was challenging, but the endless support of the member countries made it easier for us,” she added.

Guided by the theme “Transforming Education the ASEAN Way: Forging Partnerships in the Global Age of Disruptions,” the Philippine chairpersonship highlighted the relentless and unified effort of the ASEAN Ministries of Education in ensuring that learning continues and thrives even in times of disruption.

The Department spearheaded and hosted 26 meetings and adopted ten documents and declarations to ensure continuous coordination despite travel restrictions.

DepEd worked closely with the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) throughout its term, following the principle of a trifocalized education system.

In line with this, Vietnam’s Ministry of Education and Training Prof. Dr. Nguyen Kim Son is now the head of the ASEAN Education Ministers Meeting, ASEAN Plus Three Education Ministers Meeting, East Asia Summit Education Ministers Meeting, and their related senior officials’ meetings.

“On behalf of the Department of Education, we would like to congratulate the Vietnam’sMinistry of Education and Training as they take over the ASEAN Education Sector’s organizations. Rest assured that you have the country’s support in your plans moving forward,” Secretary Briones said.

The flow of chairmanship among the member states of the ASEAN education sector follows the alphabetical order. However, with the demands of its current chairmanship of the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO) council, Singapore shall assume its term as chair in 2024 instead of this year following Vietnam.