DO 13, s. 1973 – The Creation of Security Units in Regional, Division Offices, Schools, Colleges, and Universities Amended by DO 61, s. 1990 – The Creation of Calamity and Disaster Control Groups

April 10, 1973
DO 13, s. 1973
The Creation of Security Units in Regional, Division Offices, Schools, Colleges, and Universities

To: The Director of Public Schools,
The Director of Private Schools,
The Director of Vocation Education, and
The Heads of State Colleges and Universities;

  1. Pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 51 entitled “Amending Portions on National Security of the Integrated Reorganization Plan” and its Letter of Implementation No. 52-B, dated January 17, 1973, there shall be established in each office and school a Security Unit which shall provide for the security of its personnel, installations, classified documents and materials and which shall assist in the national effort involving national security.
  2. The Security Unit shall be established from existing personnel and resources and serve as point of contact for coordination with the proper government authorities. It shall be headed by a career senior officer, trained and cleared to handle classified matters and who shall act as adviser of the office and school head on security matters. He shall be directly responsible to the office and school head. Inclosure No. I shows a suggested security intelligence unit functional chart.
  3. Each regional office, division and institutions of higher learning, public or private, shall have a security unit. If the appointment or designation of a qualified security officer is not possible, the head of the regional office, division or school or his authorized representative, shall act as the security officer.
  4. For purposes of coordination, all said Security Units, except those in private schools, shall be under the functional direction of the Office of the Secretary of Education and Culture through its Security and Intelligence Unit established under Department Order No. 35, s. 1972, security units in private schools, colleges and universities shall coordinate their activities with the Intelligence and Security Unit of the Department of Education and Culture. Inclosure No. 2 showsthe flow of security information and coordination in the Department of Education and Culture and the Civil Intelligence and Security Agency (CISA).
  5. In order to expedite the training of designated security officers, it is hereby requested that the names of nominees and their Personal History Statements (PHS) in triplicate copies be submitted to this Office as early as possible.
  6. Further assistance in the form of organization and staffing of Security Units can be extended by this Office in coordination with the Intelligence Community upon written request.

Acting Secretary of Education
