Child Protection Specialization Course
The Child Protection Specialists (CPS) will act as the focal person who will provide technical advice to schools and their respective schools division on complex and serious child protection cases brought to their attention and recommend actions to address the same based on existing child protection-related laws and pertinent DepEd issuances.
The specialists will use the existing protocols for handling various forms of child abuse and exploitation within the school system, specifically focusing on the case management process to ensure that concerned children are provided with relevant services throughout the process. Likewise, the specialists will assist in the referral of cases to other government, non-government, and other agencies for appropriate interventions or further case management.
- Network and liaise with government, non-government, and other agencies involved in child protection for the referral of complex and serious child protection cases.
- The CPS shall develop and update a directory of resources that can be easily accessed and used for referral of cases.
- Provide timely advice to schools or schools divisions relative to complex and serious child protection cases.
- Guided by the following DepEd issuances: Department Order (D.O.) no. 40, s. 2012 (DepEd Child Protection Policy), D.O. no. 55, s. 2013 (Implementing Rules and Regulations to R.A. 10627 Otherwise Known as the Anti-Bullying Act of 2013), and D.O. no. 18, s. 2015 (DepEd Guidelines and Procedures on the Management of Children-At-Risk and Children in Conflict with the Law), among others, the CPS shall assist in the referral of cases to the proper agency for further assessment or intervention.
- Follow up with the concerned school personnel on the recommend and actual actions taken on the cases and assist in the monitoring of cases referred to other agencies.
- The CPS also submits annual reports of cases handled to the DepEd Regional Office. Likewise, the CPS conducts follow-ups on the recommended actions from the report.