May 15, 1995 – DO 24, s. 1995 – Intensifying Final Efforts to Achieve the Education Mid-Decade Goals by School Year 1995-1996


May 15, 1995

DO 24, s. 1995
Intensifying Final Efforts to Achieve the Education Mid-Decade Goals by School Year 1995-1996

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau/Center/Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents

  1. 1995-1996 is the reckoning school year for the achievement of the education mid-decade goal (MDG) targets for participation rate and cohort survival rate. These targets will be affected by our programs for the retrieval of out-of-school children, establishment of new elementary schools in school-less barangays, and completion of incomplete elementary schools through multigrade classes. It Is imperative therefore that all regional and divisional MDG targets set and agreed during the 1994 Education MDG Regional Action Planning Workshops be achieved to reach the national goals as endorsed by the Leagues of Provinces, Cities and Municipalities.
  2. To Intensify efforts to reach the MDG targets this school year 1995-1996, all regions, divisions, districts and elementary schools are enjoined to implement the following five practical strategies:
    1. Completing Incomplete Elementary Schools. Consistent with DECS Order No. 38, s. 1993, all incomplete schools not constrained by availability of teachers and classrooms especially those already offering four grades shall organize combination and/or multigrade classes in order to offer complete Grades I to VI.
    2. Intensify “Balik Eskuwela” Campaign. Every elementary school must retrieve at least 10 out-of-school children in its catchment area. In order to significantly increase the cohort survival rates, special efforts need to be focused on retrieving those who will go back to school at the intermediate levels of Grades V and VI.
    3. Zero Dropout for Intermediate Grades V and VI. Deliberate efforts must be made to ensure that all Grades IV and V pupils last school year 1994-1995 will continue to Grades V and VI this school year 1995-1996 so that the cohort survival rate does not decrease.
    4. National School Enrolment Day (NSED). As directed under DECS Order No. 65, s. 1994, advance registrations of six-year olds as incoming Grade I pupils was hold during the first NSED last January 30, 1995. Further intensification of efforts to increase entry of six-year olds in Grade I as well as older children who have yet to enter school is necessary to increase the participation rate.
    5. Establishment of New Elementary Schools in School- less Barangays. To increase participation and cohort survival rates, schools need to be brought closer to children’s homes. For 1993 and 1994, DECS targeted about 1,400 school-less barangays to be provided two-classroom schools out of the 6,000 priority school-less barangays nationwide. To date, classrooms have been constructed in most of these school-less barangays. All efforts must be exerted to ensure that new schools are established in these barangays where pupils are expected to enrol. The new schools must be utilized to full capacity.
  3. The mobilization of our Government and private partners at all levels to assist in undertaking the above efforts is encouraged. Local School Boards should be immediately convened to provide political support and financial assistance.
  4. A final review by region and by school division of the accomplishment of the MDG targets and the implementation of the five practical strategies will be undertaken in December 1995, the results of which will be included in the performance evaluation of regional directors and schools superintendents as earlier directed under DECS Order No. 66, s. 1994.
  5. Immediate dissemination of this Order is directed.

DECS Orders: (Nos. 38, s. 1993, 65 and 66, s. 1994)
DECS Memorandum: No. 303, s. 1994
Allotment: 1-2—{M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
Course of Study, ELEMENTARY
