July 1, 1994 – DO 52, s. 1994 – Guidelines on Overseas Operations of Philippine Schools

July 1, 1994
DO 52, s. 1994
Guidelines on Overseas Operations of Philippine Schools

To: Bureau Directors, Regional Directors
Heads of State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities

  1. Statement of Policy. It is DECS policy to encourage the expanding educational presence of Philippine schools in other neighboring countries, through the establishment of their branches and/or giving class instruction overseas, whether on their own or in joint venture with foreign schools/partners.
    Nevertheless, in order to ensure that the image and quality of Philippine schools abroad are not tarnished and meet Philippine minimum educational standards, it has become necessary to provide certain minimum guidelines for such operations. These guidelines are divided into two general categories: (a) where the diploma or other certification of completion issued is not in the name of the Philippine school, and (b) where the diploma or similar documentation is issued by the Philippine school.
  2. Definition of terms. For purposes of this Order, the following terms are hereby defined as

    1. “Diploma” shall apply to all documentation, including certifications, tran¬scripts, and other records.
    2. “Non-Philippine School” refers to educational institutions organized, located and giving classroom instruction outside the Philippines, whether owned wholly or partially by Philippine nationals. Philippine schools organized abroad for purposes of providing instruction essentially for Philippine nationals under DECS Order No. 40, s. 1994, are not included.
    3. “Philippine School” refers to educational institutions organized and located in the Philippines, duly authorized by the Department of Education, Culture, and Sports. Philip¬pine schools organized locally but for exclusive operation abroad with the prior permission of DECS, as prescribed under DECS Order No. 40, s. 1994, are not covered by this Order.
  3. Diploma granted by Non-Philippine Schools. Where the diploma granted or certifi¬cate issued is that of the foreign school, the following guidelines shall be observed:
    1. The written permission of the regulatory entity of the foreign government in charge of such educational activities (normally the Ministry of Education), with respect to the participation of the Philippine school, shall have been obtained beforehand.
    2. DECS shall have been informed on the matter by the participating Philippine school.
  4. Diploma granted by Philippine Schools. Where the diploma granted is that of the Philippine schools, the following guidelines should have been observed beforehand.
    1. The written permission of the regulatory entity above-mentioned shall have been obtained beforehand, and DECS provided with a copy of such approval.
    2. The course or courses offered abroad is one for which the Philippine school has obtained a recognition certification from DECS.
    3. DECS shall have been notified beforehand about such additional activity abroad, including the nature of the venture, whether a fully owned branch or in conjunction with a foreign educational institution. In the case of the latter, a copy of the agreement with the foreign partner /school shall be provided DECS

    In any case, regardless of the nature of the relationship with partners abroad, where a Philip¬pine diploma is issued, the Philippine school shall be held liable for compliance with all the require¬ments for such a diploma.

  5. Coverage and Effectivitv. These guidelines shall take effect immediately. Those Philip¬pine schools who may have conducted agreements for operations overseas shall comply with these guidelines within ninety days of this issuance. Failure to comply with these minimum information guidelines may adversely affect the equivalent domestic programs of the Philippine school concerned.

Reference: DECS Order: (No. 40, s. 1994)
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
