July 2, 2008 DO 52, s. 2008 – Compliance With DepED Policies on Food Safety in Schools

July 2, 2008
DO 52, s. 2008
Compliance With DepED Policies on Food Safety in Schools

To: Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public and Private Elementary and Secondary Schools

  1. The recent food poisoning incident of school children in the Divisions of Antipolo City and Rizal necessitates adherence to food safety measures as stated in DepED Order No. 8, s. 2007 entitled “Revised Implementing Guidelines on the Operation and Management of School Canteens in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools” and DepED Order No. 14, s. 2005 on “Instructions to Ensure Consumption of Nutritious and Safe Foods in Schools”.
  2. Regional directors and schools division superintendents are hereby instructed to oversee the effective management of the school canteens, whether these be school-managed or teachers’ cooperative-managed; and to underscore the accountability of the school principal for any untoward incident that may happen in the school due to non-compliance with school health policies and food safety guidelines.
  3. It is emphasized that if there are foods in the canteen that are supplied on consignment basis, the following measures shall be instituted:
    1. there should be a written agreement between the concessionaire and school head;
    2. the school head should ensure that the food supplier has a business permit and sanitary permit;
    3. the school head/canteen teacher should require a health certificate for the food handlers;
    4. the canteen teacher shall coordinate with the municipal health office on the periodic monitoring of food preparation and packaging;
    5. foods should be nutritious, safe and affordable; and
    6. inspection of the consigned foods shall be made before serving/vending them at the canteen.
  4. A monitoring team shall be tasked to ensure adherence to standards on quality, handling and serving of food in the school canteen and that food safety standards and hygienic practices are strictly observed and implemented.
  5. The school heads and teachers should encourage parents to prepare snacks for their children to eat during recess time.
  6. It is reiterated therefore that the sanctions stated under 10.3 of DepED Order No. 8, s. 2007 on any violation of the guidelines shall be imposed accordingly.
  7. Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.

DepED Order: (Nos. 14, s. 2005 and 8, s. 2007)
Allotment: 1- -(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
