DO 19, s. 2001 – Establishing a Monitoring Center in the DECS Central Offices in Connection with the May 2001 National and Local Election

May 8, 2001
DO 19, s. 2001
Establishing a Monitoring Center in the DECS Central Offices in Connection with the May 2001 National and Local Election
To:   Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
1.  In connection with the May 14, 2001 national and local elections and for purposes of closer coordination and consultation between COMELEC DECS and field offices on important issues, concerns and problems, a Monitoring Center is hereby established in the DECS Central Office chaired by Director Maximo C. Aljibe, Administrative Service and co-chaired by the Chief, General Services Division with the Office of the Legislative Liaison Officers as the National Secretariat. The Offices of the General Services Division and the Administrative Service shall form part of this Monitoring Center.
2.  To facilitate action and information gathering, the regional and division offices shall likewise put up a similar election Monitoring Center which shall be in close contact with the National Monitoring Center at DECS Central Office by using the telephone and fax machine. The Head of the Monitoring Center in the regional and division offices shall be reported to the Office of Director Aljibe not later than May 11, 2001.
3.  Everyone is enjoined to participate actively in the success of Project HOPE (Honest, Orderly and Peaceful Election) and avoid engaging in partisan political activities.

4.  Wide dissemination of this Order is desired.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      RAUL S. ROCO
