June 13, 2008 DO 48, s. 2008 – Upgrading/Reclassification of Incumbent Head Teachers to Principals

June 13, 2008
DO 48, s. 2008
Upgrading/Reclassification of Incumbent Head Teachers to Principals

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries Bureau/Center/Service Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
All Others Concerned

  1. In compliance with the attached Memorandum from the President to the Secretaries of the Department of Education and the Department of Budget and Management dated May 27, 2008 directing the promotion of incumbent Head Teachers to Principal I, herein promulgated are the following guidelines:
    1. Only incumbent Head Teachers of elementary schools or Officers-ln-Charge of secondary schools who occupy Head Teacher positions are to be reclassified to Principal I positions.
    2. Candidates for reclassification must meet all the three (3) requirements indicated in the Memorandum of the President.
    3. Schools Division Superintendents shall immediately determine the qualified candidates for reclassification to Principal I, whose upgrading shall be effective July 1, 2008, for processing and submission to the Regional Director not later than June 30, 2008.
    4. The Regional Director shall review and approve the requests for reclassification. The consolidated requests shall be submitted to the DBM Regional Office concerned not later than July 8, 2008. The necessary follow-up with the DBM to ensure that the initiative is complete before the end of July 2008 must likewise be done.
  2. A report showing the names of those who qualified for reclassification, as well as the total funding requirements until December 31, 2008 must be submitted to the Central Office through the Personnel Division on or before July 11, 2008.
  3. New Principal I and Head Teacher positions are forthcoming for deployment to schools which are presently headed by personnel who are not Head Teachers.
  4. Enclosed is the number of elementary and secondary school heads per region qualified for possible reclassification as of May 26, 2008.
  5. For immediate compliance.

As stated
Allotment: 1— (D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: