June 19, 1992 – DO 63, s. 1992 – The National Educators Academy of the Philippines
June 19, 1992
DO 63, s. 1992
The National Educators Academy of the Philippines
To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Vocational School Superintendents/Administrators/Principals
- The National Educational Learning Center in Teachers Camp, Baguio City has been renamed as the National Educators Academy of the Philippines (NEAP) by virtue of Administrative Order No. 282 signed by Presidential Corazon C. Aquino on May 27, 1992.
- The National Educators Academy of the Philippines is envisioned to respond to the demands for professional competency as well as management and leadership excellence in the educational community. To attain its mandate, it has for its objectives the following:
- To provide continuing strategic human resource development programs for school managers and leaders within the context of emerging legitimate demands on scarce human and material resources;
- To promote synergetic partnerships and linkages with centers of excellence locally and internationally, from both government and nongovernment sectors;
- To develop programs that address career planning and pathing for potential educational managers and leaders;
- To promote intellectual inquiry into non-traditional and innovative alternatives and strategies in educational management;
- To serve as a venue and a forum for individual and institutional academic exchange; and
- To initiate an assessment and evaluation mechanism to ensure the sustenance of quality development, recruitment, selection and promotion.
- The NEAP has, aside from its administrative component, a research and program development and a training and materials development component.
- Immediate dissemination of this Order is desired.
Reference: None
Allotment: 1-2-3—(M.O. 1-87)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects: