March 12, 2008 DO 16, s. 2008 – Coordinating Mechanisms for Implementing the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA)

March 12, 2008
DO 16, s. 2008
Coordinating Mechanisms for Implementing the Basic Education Sector Reform Agenda (BESRA)

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Directors of Services, Centers and Heads of Units
Regional Directors
Chiefs of Divisions
All Others Concerned

  1. To ensure the effective and efficient operationalization of the structures and mechanisms adopted for the implementation of BESRA, the Technical Coordinating Team and Technical Working Groups created through DepED Order No. 69, s. 2007 (copy enclosed) are hereby re-constituted, as follows:
    A. Technical Coordinating Team
    Chair : Undersecretary Ramon C. Bacani
    Co-Chairs : Undersecretary Vilma L. Labrador
    Undersecretary Teodosio C. Sangil, Jr.
    Members : Assistant Secretary Teresita G. Inciong
    Assistant Secretary Jesus LR. Mateo Assistant Secretary Jesus G. Galvan Assistant Secretary Jonathan E. Malaya Chairs, BESRA TWGs Director Psyche Vetta Olayvar, EDPITAF
    B. Technical Working Groups

    1. School-Based Management 2. Teacher Education and Development
    Chair: Dir. Yolanda Quijano, BEE Chair: Dir. Lolita Andrada, BSE
    Co-Chair: President of PESPA Co-Chair: Dir. Beatriz Tomo, TEC Secretariat
    Members: Directors or permanent Members: Directors or permanent alternates
    alternates of BSE, NEAP, of BEE, BALS, NEAP, OPS and
    Dir. Soledad Matugas, ADD Chief or permanent alternate of Personnel
    Presidents or permanent alternates of Division
    NASSPHIL, NAPSSHI, PASS, Dir. Paraluman Giron, ADD
    PAES and PSDSA Representatives from PASS, PAES, PESPA,
    Representatives from NEDA, DBM and NASSPHIL and NAPSSHI
    LCF Representatives from CHED, CSC, PRC,
    President, League of City Mayors NEDA, TEC and (1) TEI
    SGC Chair in NCR Representatives from PAFTE and SUCTEA
    ‘Secretariat: BEE Secretariat: BSE and TEC Secretariat
    3. Quality Assurance and Accountability 4. Resource Mobilization and Management
    Chair: Dir. Lolita Andrada, BSE Chair: Asec. Jesus Galvan
    Co-Chairs: Dir. Nelia Benito, NETRC Co-Chair: Asec Jesus Mateo
    Dir. Milagros Talinio, OPS Members: Directors or permanent alternates of BEE,
    Members: Directors or permanent BSE, BALS, OPS and EDPITAF
    alternates of BEE, BALS, Division Chiefs of permanent alternates of PPD-
    IMCS, EDPITAF, and NEAP OPS, Accounting, Budget,
    Chiefs of PDED and PPD-OPS Management, Personnel, and Staff
    Representatives from ADD (1 each Development
    from Luzon, Visayas and Regional Finance Officer, NCR
    Mindanao), PASS, PAES, Regional Finance Officer, IV-B
    PESPA, NASSPHIL and Division Accountant, Manila
    NAPSSHI Accountant of 1 High School in NCR
    Representatives from NEDA and DBM Representatives from DBM, NEDA and LCF
    Representatives from UP-NISMED
    and PNU
    Secretariat: BSE and OPS Secretariat: PPD-OPS
    5. Monitoring and Evaluation
    Chair: Dir. Milagros Talinio, OPS
    Co-Chair: Dir. Psyche Vetta Olayvar,
    Members: Directors or permanent alternates
    of BEE, BSE, BALS,
    NETRC and TSD
    Chiefs of PPD, PDED and RSD of OPS
    Representatives from ADD, PASS and
    Representatives from NEDA, DBM,
    Council for the Welfare of
    Children (CWC) and LCF
    Secretariat: PDED-OPS
  2. With regard to the implementation of other components of BESRA, the following TWGs shall be created and be responsible for the development and/or review of policy recommendations in relation to National Learning Strategies (part of the BESRA KRT3), Alternative Learning System (part of BESRA KRT 4) and IP/Muslim Education:
    1. National Learning Strategies 2. Alternative Learning System 2. IP/Muslim Education
    Chair: Dir. Yolanda Quijano, Chair: Dir. Carolina Chair: Usee Manaros Boransing
    BEE Guerrero, BALS Co-Chairs: Dir. Benito Tumamao,
    Co-Chair: Dir. Lolita Andrada, Co-Chair: Dir. Paraluman CAR OIC-ARD Luisa
    BSE Giron, IV-A B. Yu, IV-B
    Members: Directors or permanent Members: Directors or Members: Dir. Susan Estigoy, XI
    alternates of BALS, permanent Dir. Estrella Babano, X
    OPS, IMCS, HNC, alternates of Directors or permanent
    NEAP and TEC BEE, BSE, OPS, alternates of BEE,
    Secretariat IMCS, TEC BSE, BALS, IMCS, OPS, EDPITAF and TEC Secretariat Representative from NEDA
    Representatives from ADD, Secretariat and LCC
    PASS, PAES, PSDSA, Secretariat
    PESPA, NASSPHIL Representatives from
    Representatives from NEDA TESDA, NEDA,
    and TEC DILG, CHED, NGO, SEAMEO- INNOTECH and Congress
    Secretariat: BEE Secretariat: BALS Secretariat: Office of Usec Boransing
  3. The TCT and TWGs shall perform the functions stipulated in said DepED Order. The earlier created TWGs are expected to submit the final Work and Financial Plans of their assigned components for the period 2008-2010 and to the TCT Chair by February 8, 2008. The newly created TWGs on the other hand, are expected to immediately convene their respective members to start the discussion on tasks at hand and submit their Action Plans by March 7, 2008. The TCT through the PROGCOM and FINCOM shall ensure that corresponding resources are allocated for the implementation of the approved TWG Action Plans.
  4. All concerned offices/organizations are requested to submit the name(s) of their official representatives and/or permanent alternates to the assigned TWGs to EDPITAF, c/o Ms. Merlita M. Dery at tel. no. 631-83-80.
  5. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.

Encl.: As stated
DepED Order: (No. 69, s. 2007)
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
