April 28, 1999 – DO 42, s. 1999 – Moratorium on the Establishment of New High Schools, Opening of Annexes/Extension Classes, Separation and Conversion of Schools
April 28, 1999
DO 42, s. 1999
Moratorium on the Establishment of New High Schools, Opening of Annexes/Extension Classes, Separation and Conversion of Schools
To:   Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Superintendents
1.   Due to funding problems, this Department is constrained to declare a moratorium on the establishment of new public high schools, opening of annexes/extension classes, separation and conversion of schools requiring DECS approval.
2.   All regional offices are hereby directed to stop processing papers and to hold in abeyance the endorsement of school documents for the Secretary’s approval until further advised.

3.   Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is desired.

                                                                               NILO L. ROSAS                                     
                                                       Undersecretary for Programs and Projects
References: DECS Orders: Nos. 5, s. 1989 and 84, s. 1996
Allotment: 1—(D.O. 50-97)
To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects: