DO 3, s. 2002 – On Simple and Austere Graduation Rites

February 6, 2002
DO 3, s. 2002
On Simple and Austere Graduation Rites

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
School Superintendents/District Supervisors
Public Elementary and Secondary School Principals
Private Elementary and Secondary School Principals

1.  In line with the government’s austerity program, we wish to reiterate the Department’s policy on the holding of inexpensive but meaningful graduation rites. School heads are reminded to observe the following:

a.  Voluntary contributions for graduations should be minimized and should not exceed P200.00. Parents should be informed about the use of any contributions for graduation. In private schools, contributions may vary from school to school and may   be allowed only in consultation with the PTA.

b. Graduation exercises must be held in the school grounds. Graduation balls compelling graduating students to participate and contribute excessive amounts are discouraged.

c.  No extravagant special attire should be required; school uniforms may be used for graduation rites. Expenses for any use of togas should be charged to students based on actual cost.

d.  The annual yearbook should likewise be discouraged or be considered non-obligatory.

2.  Immediate dissemination and compliance with this Order is directed

DECS Order: No. 10, s. 2001Allotment: 1-(D.O. 50-97)To be indicated in the Perpetual Index
under the following subjects:FEES