April 28, 1999 – DO 44, s. 1999 – Creating a Task Force for an Effective and Expeditious Implementaton of Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa Blg. 232) Specifically on the Requirement that Schools Must Operate with Government Permit
April 28, 1999
DO 44, s. 1999
Creating a Task Force for an Effective and Expeditious Implementaton of Education Act of 1982 (Batas Pambansa Blg. 232) Specifically on the Requirement that Schools Must Operate with Government Permit
To:   Bureau Directors                                            ‘
Regional Director
Schools Superintendents
School Heads
1.   Section 1 of Rule HI of Batas Pambansa Big. 232 states that pursuant to the Constitution, “All educational institutions shall be under the supervision of and subject to regulation by the state”. Consequently, no school or educational institution shall be established, nor operate any educational program, whether formal or non-formal, except by law or pursuant to law and in accordance with these Rules.
2.   With the aforecited law, it is expected that no public school shall be established except by law. The establishment of new private school including that of branch school or extension class shall be subject to the prior approval of the DECS pursuant to Act No, 2706, as amended, the Education Act of 1982, and other education-related or applicable law.

3.   In view of the proliferation of private schools without government permit and in order to effectively implement Batas Pambansa Big. 232 on the establishment and operation of private schools, a committee/task force at the DECS Central Office, regional office and division office, respectively are hereby constituted, as follows:

(1) DECS Central Office:               Undersecretary for Programs, Projects and
Regional Operations, Chairman
Representative, BSE, Member
Representative, BEE, Member
Representative, Legal Division/ or Legal
Consultant, Consultant

(2)   DECS Regional Office:              Regional Director, Chairman
                        Chief Secondary Education Division,
Chief Elementary Education Division,
In-charge for Tuition Fees, Member Legal Officer
(3) DECS Division Office:                 Division Schools Superintendent, Chairman
Assistant Schools Superintendent, Member
Supervisor of Private Schools, Member
Legal Officer, Consultant
4.   The above constituted Regional and Division Committees shall monitor and submit a list of the names and locations of private elementary and secondary schools operating with permit and recognition to the DECS Central Office Committee not later than May 30, 1999 to be published in order to protect the interest of the general public.
5.   The abovementioned Committees are enjoined to take the necessary legal steps against the erring private school owners. They are furthermore advised to take the lead role in forestalling the illegal establishment and operation of schools.
6.   For strict compliance.


NILO L. ROSAS                                     
Undersecretary for Programs and Projects

Reference: None
Allotment: l–(D.O. 50-97)
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