March 26, 2009
DO 26, s. 2009
Amending DepEd Order No. 1, s. 2007 (Strengthening the Information Communication Technology (ICT) Governance of the Department of Education)

To: Undersecretaries
Assistant Secretaries
Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Schools Division/City Superintendents
Heads, Public Elementary and Secondary Schools

  1. In support of the ICT4E Strategic Plan that underwent a multi-stakeholder consultation process in the 2nd half of 2008, DepED Order No. 1 dated January 19, 2007 is hereby amended as follows:
    The Organizational Structure below shall take the overall responsibilities of ensuring that the strategic plan is appropriately implemented in each DepED level.

    1. ICT Governance Committee (ICT-GC)
      The ICT-GC shall be co-chaired by the Undersecretaries for Programs and Projects and Finance and Administration. The Executive Committee who are not chairs, co-chairs or member of any ICT committee mentioned herein shall serve as members of the ICT-GC. The Secretariat of Executive Committee will serve the same functions to the ICT-GC with support from the Technical Service-ICTU and content offices.
      The ICT-GC shall have the following functions:

      1. Serve as the approving body of all ICT policies, plans, programs and projects;
      2. Set standards and policies pertaining to ICT in basic education and governance;
      3. Provide overall directions for ICT programs and projects in the Department with the ICT4E Strategic Plan as guiding document; and
      4. Shall convene regularly or as necessary and report to the Secretary.
    2. ICT Technical Committee (ICT-TC)
      The ICT-TC shall be Chaired by the Assistant Secretary for Programs and Projects with the Assistant Secretaries for Finance, Planning and the Director of Technical Service as Vice-Chairs. Members of the TC shall comprise of Heads of the TC-Subcommittees and ICTU. It shall provide overall supervision, management, coordination, and unification of all ICT Programs and Projects. The Chair shall organize a Secretariat to support the ICT-TC.
      The ICT-TC shall serve the following specific functions:

      1. Formulates and/or recommends policies, standards and guidelines on the use of ICT in basic education and governance;
      2. Spearheads the development and installation of appropriate systems including but not limited to the Enterprise and Information Architectures;
      3. Evaluates ICT programs and project proposals in terms of adherence to the MTPDP and ICT4E Strategic Plan, budgetary and technical requirements, and sustainability including those proposed by other government and non-government organizations and recommend appropriate actions;
      4. Creates and supervises the TC-Subcommittees (TC-SCs) and Coordination Groups as may be necessary to achieve the objectives of the Strategic Plan;
      5. Establishes and maintains strong working relationships with government agencies, corporate foundations, non-profit organizations, and non-government organizations or agencies, including ODA-funded projects in the implementation of ICT programs and projects in the basic education sector;
      6. Tracks the distribution, utilization and technical performance of ICT resources provided to various offices/levels; and,
      7. Provides assistance in the formulation and execution of ICT programs and projects
    3. TC-SubCommittees (TC-SCs)
      Six (6) Sub- Committees shall be organized by the ICT-TC. These are

      1. Curriculum, Content and Assessment
      2. Digital Learning Resources Management (formerly DCDCG)
      3. Professional Development
      4. Governance and Management
      5. Infrastructure
      6. Policy Research and Development

      The TC shall appoint the chairs of the sub-committees.
      The TC-SCs shall perform the following functions:

      1. Sets standards in the development, acquisition, utilization and sharing of digital learning resources
      2. Track adherence to and/or modifications of policies, standards and targets in the implementation of ICT programs and projects undertaken by the DepED offices in all levels
      3. Provide technical assistance to all DepED levels in the formulation of their ICT4E implementation plans
      4. Monitor and evaluate the impact of ICT programs on education performance indicators
      5. Conduct studies to build ICT enhanced curriculum models
      6. Coordinate with the ICTU on systems that will track status and utilization of ICT resources at each level
      7. Formulate and implement the DepED ICT research agenda duly approved by the ICT-GC

      The ICTU, a unit created under DepED Order 1, s. 2007, shall continue to provide technical support and services for ICT in all levels. It shall assist the Sub-Committees in formulating the technical standards and systems for curriculum and non-curriculum based ICT programs. It shall continue to take charge of the following: a) operation and maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) facilities and the proposed ICT Network Infrastructure, b) Web management services, c) DepED Computerization Program, and d) DepED Internet Connectivity Program and other related programs that maybe delegated by the TC.

      The Regional and Division ICT Coordinating Committees shall continue to initiate the planning and implementation of the local ICT programs and projects for basic education and governance consistent with the ICT4E Strategic Plan. Specifically it shall:

      1. Lead the formulation of regional and division ICT4E implementation plan supported by an annual and five (5) year resource allocation matrix and submit same to the ICT-TC for approval
      2. Maintain an updated data base / inventory of ICT resources, hardware and manpower at each level
      3. Ensure implementation of plans and track the utilization of resources for instruction and governance;
      4. Assess effects of ICT programs on school performance; and
      5. Interface with the ICT Implementation Committee to ensure coherence of plans and resource allocation matrix with the overall DepED ICT4E plan.

      The Regional and Division ICT Coordinating Committees shall be organized as follows:
      Chairperson : Regional Director or Schools
      Division Superintendent
      Vice-Chairperson : Regional or Division ICT Coordinator
      Member : Supervisors of English, Science, Mathematics, and Technology and Livelihood Education
      : Regional or Division Accountant
      : Regional or Division Supply Officer
      : Others as may be needed

  2. Each Committee shall submit its composition and detailed annual work plans with corresponding resource allocation matrix to the ICT-Governance Committee. It shall also agree on meeting schedules which preferably should happen two (2) weeks before the Management Committee meeting to enable respective committees to render updated status report.
  3. This Order takes effect immediately and all policies inconsistent with this shall be deemed rescinded.
  4. Immediate dissemination of and compliance with this Order is directed.

DepED Order: (No. 1, s. 2007) Allotment: 1- -(D.O. 50-97)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
