April 2, 1992 – DO 34, s. 1992 – Amendments to MECS Order No. 51, s. 1985 (Policies and Standards for Pharmacy Education)

April 2, 1992
DO 34, s. 1992
Amendments to MECS Order No. 51, s. 1985 (Policies and Standards for Pharmacy Education)

To: Bureau Directors
Regional Directors
Presidents, State Colleges and Universities
Heads of Private Schools, Colleges and Universities
Deans, Colleges of Pharmacy

  1. The inclosed amendments on the policies and standards for Pharmacy Education approved by this Office upon recommendation of the Bureau of Higher Education after consultation with representatives from Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD-DOH), the Professional Regulations Commission (PRC), the Philippine Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (PACOP), and the Philippine Pharmaceutical Association (PPHA), are in support of the amendments as embodied in MECS Orders Nos. 51, s. 1985 and 47, s. 1986.
  2. This set of policies and standards embodies the general principles and guidelines for the establishment and operation of pharmacy education institutions and the revised pharmacy curriculum which will take effect SY 1992-93.
  3. In order to make pharmacy education responsive to the demands of a changing society specifically the role of the pharmacist in the National Drug Policy of the government, each pharmacy education institution should have a built-in mechanism for a continuous self-assessment of its instructional, research, and extension service capabilities and program thrusts.
  4. Every pharmacy education institution should give these policies and standards the widest publicity possible among the academic community and its clientele.
  5. This Order supersedes all existing rules and standards related to pharmacy education.
  6. Compliance with these policies and standards by all concerned is requested.

Incl.: As stated
References: MECS Orders: (Nos. 51, s. 1985 and 47, s. 1986)
Allotment: 1-3-4—(M.O. 1-87)

To be indicated in the Perpetual Index under the following subjects:
